15.10.20 Swallows Class Blog
Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 9:45pm
Hello everyone,
Yet again, we have had another brilliant week of learning in Swallows class this week. Can you believe we are looking ahead to the final week of this half term already? The children have made a super start in Year 2 and have made Mrs Elson and I very proud with both the work that they have produced and their super attitudes towards their learning.
Some highlights from the week include writing our own space diaries, uncovering our brand new story ‘Troll Swap’ and spending lots of extra time running around our golden mile track. We also had lots of fun using Lego to represent key events from our Bible story this week.
Next week we will be describing characters, writing letters and completing lots of role-play activities focusing on character during our writing lessons. Our Maths lessons will continue to focus on using addition and subtraction number facts to check calculations. We will experiment with making number bonds to 100 and finding 10 more and 10 less than any number up to 100.
It has been lovely to see so many children complete their 100 square as part of their homework this week. Please continue to focus on reading, writing and ordering number to 100 at home next week. I have attached a selection of missing number problems in your child’s diary this week. Please encourage them to count forwards and backwards to find the missing numbers. If you notice any number reversal, it would help if you could model the correct formation of each number, allowing your child to ‘fix’ their own work.
Read Write Inc
We have enjoyed an exciting non-fiction focus during our Read Write Inc session’s this week. Can your Swallow teach you the difference between a fiction and non-fiction text? If you are unsure, use this video to help you. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z2yycdm/articles/zty8xfr
Throughout the week we have been assessing the children’s phonic knowledge. Next week you will find a sticker in your homework diary informing you of your new Read Write Inc group. We will begin working in these groups after the half term break.
When reading at home, please encourage your Swallow to continue to take note of the punctuation when reading. Try and match your reading pace and tone to reflect each punctuation mark. For example, pause for a comma. For a full stop, pause a little while longer or take a big breath before you start the next sentence. If there is an exclamation mark, make sure you shift to a quicker and more imperative/louder tone. For a question mark, raise your tone on the word just prior so it sounds like you are asking a question.
Challenge: Can you undress a sentence?
Write down a sentence from a book your child is reading but take out all the punctuation marks. Ask them to try and punctuate the sentence, then compare with the sentence in the book. You can then read over the punctuated sentence with them, making sure to pause and inflect different tones to account for each punctuation mark. This could be evidenced in your homework diary or attached on a post-it or scrap of paper.
New Sounds and Spellings
Red Group Jam |
Grey Group A job for Jordan |
Yellow Group In the park |
Pink Group Jay’s clay pot |
Blue Group On your bike |
wh – whisk whisk ph- take a photo ck – tick tock clock
er – a better letter oa – goat in a boat ai – snail in the rain ow – brown cow
ea- cup of tea oi- spoil the boy a-e make a cake
Or - shut the door ou – shout it out ar – start the car oy – toy to enjoy air – that’s not fair |
u-e - huge brute aw – yawn at dawn are – care and share
Spellings Next week the children will complete a spelling quiz to see which of our Year One Common Exception Words they are still finding tricky to spell. We will then begin learning our Year Two Common Exception words after the half term break. Please use the links below and the attached spelling list to focus your home learning for this week. http://www.ictgames.com/littleBirdSpelling/ http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/spookySpellings/index.html https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/games-259517.htm |
Home Reading
Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home this week. I am loving giving out more raffle tickets than ever at the moment! Please remember that the children are allowed to record their own reading but it must be signed by an adult to count towards our reading challenge. Read Write Inc books are changed each Friday and bedtime story books are changed each Tuesday and Thursday. Reading your own/library books still counts towards your three reads so please let us know of any additional reading that you are completing throughout the week.
- Please ensure that your child has a labelled jumper and coat in school each day. They each have a labelled tray where they can store their belongings safely.
- Please ensure that lip balm is only sent into school for medicinal purposes. As we are trying to encourage the children to keep their hands away from their mouths as much as they can, lip balm can often cause problems in the classroom.
Finally, thank you all for your continued support, please e-mail or phone the school office if you would like to contact us. Please remember that although we are not able to talk on the gate, we are always here if you need us.
Miss Gillam & Mrs Elson