Owls 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Owls' Class Page
Our class teacher is Miss Dalby and our teaching assistant is Mrs Rathbone.
We are very excited to share our Early Years adventures with you!
Our Learning:
At Lostock Gralam Church of England School, children are at the heart of everything we do and we believe children learn best when they are absorbed, interested and active. We are proud that our Early Years setting promotes learning through play, building children’s confidence as they learn to explore, develop relationships, set their own goals and solve problems.
Learning child-led, guided by the childrens interests and their curiosity, we establish themes and topics to explore with each term, incorporating high quality texts and hands on experiences through our continuous provision areas which are regularly enhanced to challenge children and encourage meaningful play.
Phase 1 - Feelings Detectives
Our key question this half term is: Who are you and can we be friends?
This is a really important time for the children to explore their new learning environment and begin to develop new friendships with peers and build relationships with adults through group activities and play-based learning.
Starting school can make us feel very excited but it can make us feel a little nervous too... Our key text, ‘The Colour Monster’ is an incredible book to explore the different emotions we might have and will help us to understand and share our own feelings about starting a brand new adventure in school!
The children begin Reception learning initial phonemes (single letter sounds) through Read Write Inc phonics programme. We support children to move through the programme at a speed that is personalised to their development, prioritising their confidence with reading in order to inspire a life long love of reading.
In Reception we encourage children to continue their learning at home in order to quickly build confidence and fluency. Initially with single letter sounds but later moving on to storybooks and decodable phonics books going home every week for children to practise their reading and comprehension skills at home.
At this early stage, we are getting to know the children and are gaining an understanding of their knowledge of numbers. We will be encouraging them to discover numeracy through play, exploring numbers through their environment and resources.
Religious Education: During the Autumn term, the children will develop their understanding of being special and unique. We learn that as Christians, each one of us is loved, valued and and made by God in his image. We will also be exploring the wonder of God's world and the changes that we can see in Autumn with beautiful red and orange leaves falling from the trees and animals preparing for the Winter months ahead.
Physical Education:
In Owls Class we have PE on a Monday and Wednesday, please can children come to school wearing their
PE uniform and remain in it all day. PE uniform includes:
- Black/navy PE skirt or shorts, black/navy leggings or joggers
- Plain white or school logo t-shirt plain blue/black hoodies or school logo hoodies
- Trainers that can be fasten independently.
- Please remember children will need to remove earrings (or bring plasters to cover their earrings) They will also need to tie their long hair up for their PE lesson
Can we also ask that your child has a drink bottle that is clearly named and contains only water.
Useful Links and Resources:
Parents’ Guide to Read Write Inc: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/#:~:text=If%20your%20child%20has%20learnt,made%20up%20of%20those%20sounds.