Swallows 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year Two Swallows Class 2024 - 2025
My name is Mrs Rice, I am the class teacher on a Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Mrs O'Marah is the class teacher every Wednesday and Thursday.
Mrs Southern is our classroom assistant. We love working together in Swallows class.
Look what we learn about in Year 2:
In Swallows class, the running theme across the year is that of 'Help'.

Phase One
Swallows children will focus their English learning on the wonderful text 'Troll Swap' by Leigh Hodgkinson and write a story focussing on character description. We will base our learning on:
- Using correct sentence punctuation, especially capital letters, full stops and question marks
- Using adjectives to create noun phrases that describe characters and settings within the story
- Proof reading and editing our writing
- Correct letter formation and joined handwriting
‘The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark’ will be the next class text in the second half of the Autumn term. We will use information gathered from the text to write a fact sheet about owls. We will use subordination (because) and co-ordination (and) to extend our sentences and add detail. We will also use expanded noun phrases to describe and specify. The children will learn how to use key questions to organise and set out their non fiction report.

During the Autumn Term, we will revise and consolidate our knowledge of place value with numbers to 100. We will order and compare numbers. We will explore how to make and represent two digit numbers using concrete resources. The children will learn how to add and subtract two digit numbers. We will learn about 2D and 3D shapes and their properties and explore Position and Direction. We will be continuing to use our Power Maths books this term.
Swallows will work hard to become competent in our 2,5,10 times tables as well as knowing and using the associated division facts.
Our first topic in Science will be 'Materials - Good Choices' where will learn about different materials and their properties. The children will investigate through fair testing and practical work which materials are suitable for which items. We will test the best material for making a teabag and learn about the Scientist Charles Macintosh.
During the Autumn Term, we will continue to explore our class theme 'HELP'. We will be using our enquiry based approach to investigate this in all areas of our learning. We will become History detectives and learn about the Titanic disaster and explore how the trial and error of plane design starting with the Wright Brothers helped produce the machines we see and use today and how this helped create space travel. The children will explore the impact that the inventions of ships and planes made to people's lives. In Geography, we will name and locate the continents and oceans of the world, the four countries of the UK and their capital cities, where the Titanic sank and the journey that she would have made. We will visit the Liverpool Maritime Museum to observe artefacts first hand and to use role play to enhance our understanding of this monumentous event. We will use the 8 points of the compass to describe our location and key landmarks on the Liverpool Docks.

Please note that PE for your child will be on a Wednesday and a Friday. Your child may come to school dressed in their correct school uniform PE kit. Please use Velcro or slip on trainers unless your child is able to independently tie their shoe laces. No earrings to be worn on PE days.
In Autumn 1 we will focus on the concept of God and learn what some stories in the Bible teach us about God. In Autumn 2 we will learn about Judasim. How Jewish people remember their history and how Jews show their faith through practices and celebrations.
Phase Two
We begin with The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward. In this unit, the children write their own adventure story based upon a mischeviuos creature of their choice. Building up to this, the children will:
- Write sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation, command
• Use subordination (apply because, introduce when)
• Use present and past tenses correctly and consistently (some progressive)
• Read aloud with intonation
• Use punctuation correctly - exclamation marks, question marks
Our second text in this phase is Major Glad. Major Dizzy by Jan Oke. This main writing outcome for this narrative is to write a recount of historical events from the text from Major Glad’s point of view. Building up to this, the chldren will:
- Use the progressive form of verbs in the present and past tense
• Use present and past tenses correctly and consistently
• Use subordination (apply because, when; introduce that)
• Write down ideas, key words, new vocabulary
• Use punctuation correctly introduce apostrophe for the possessive (singular)
During this phase, we explore Old Testament Bible stories eg Esther discussing what these stories teach people about God. We later explore how symbols help others to understand the Easter story.
Our Phase Two topic is called 'Exceptional People'. Swallows class learn about the incredible life and work of the courageous advocate, Jane Goodall. We explore the impact of the inspirational conservation and environmental work that she did to HELP to protect gorillas and their habitats. In Geography, we learn about the physical and human features of different types of forests. We compare the similarities and differences between a UK forest with a forest in Asia/Australia. We use Atlases to locate rainforests in the world, recap the continents and oceans as well as using the 8 points of a compass. We are very excited to have a day trip to Petty Pool to explore their forests, animal habitats, build dens and have a bonfire.
In this phase, we learn how to multiply and divide by 2, 5 and 10. We explore patterns and relations between repeated addition and multiplication as well as repeated subtraction with division. The children use concrete and pictorial resources to find remainders after division and investigate how to divide by grouping and sharing. We enjoy a unit on money where the children learn the names and values of coins and notes. They make amounts using different coins in a variety of ways, use addition and subtraction skills in contexts such as working out the change and solve problems involving money. Finally, the children explore how to read scales practically based on length, height, mass, capacity and temperature. They write measurements in a varoety of ways, convert measurements eg 5mm = 0.5cm and enjoy learning how to measure through practical activities.
Swallows class have enjoyed celebrating our Times Tables Rockstars launch. Don't they look fantastic!
This phase, we explore life cycles, food chains and habitats. The children have their own caterpillar and make careful observations as it transforms into a butterfly. Children work scientifically to observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants as well as finding out and describing how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.
"I like Vicar Andrews songs"
"I enjoy it when Vicar Andrew says the Lords Prayer with his actions"
"I like it when Vicar Andrew lights the candles as I know God is with me"
Our class Ethos group members this year.
Times Tables will remain a big focus for us this year. It is very important that children are fluent in their 2, 5 and 10 times table facts as they form the basis of many other mathematical concepts. Children will be set a specific table to learn and will be tested each Monday on a weekly basis. We encourage all children to practice their times tables at home using Timestable Rockstars. Weekly TTR times tables activities will be sent home for the children to complete in order for them to consolidate their understanding. The Y2 end of year expectation is that children are fluent in their reapid recall of multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and begin to know the 3 times table.
Reading and Spellings
Your child will bring home three RWI books each Friday that they have been reading during their phonics lessons. They will also choose a lovely book from our class library to enjoy reading at home. Children should read their reading books daily at home with an adult to support fluency and understanding. This needs to be recorded in their reading diary. The reading diaries can be used as a means of communication between school and home, we check them daily.
Spellings will be stuck into homework diaries on a Monday and tested the following Monday. Please spend 5 minutes daily practicing your child’s spellings with them.
We are really looking forward to an exciting year of friendship, love, joy and wisdom.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact.
Mrs Rice, Mrs O'Mara and Mrs Southern x