Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Swallows: Blog items

Swallows 16th February 2023, by Mrs Rice

Date: 16th Feb 2023 @ 11:07pm

Hi Everyone

What a busy half term we have had and a great start to 2023! I hope that you and the children have a wonderful holiday and a well-deserved rest.

Next half term begins on Monday 27th February. That week we will be celebrating World Book Day on Wednesday 1st March. The children can come to school in their own clothes or dress up as a book character. We will have a day exploring our love of reading together.

HOME- Our new whole school topic 

After half term we will begin our new whole school topic- Home. This has been planned around the theme of the importance of our homes to us and the human conflicts and natural disasters that result in homelessness for others. We are hoping to use photographs of our children’s homes as part of our displays. If you would like to, please send or e-mail a photo/copy of your home into school after half term. Thank you.


In Maths, we will be solving addition and subtraction problems and exploring a variety of methods to do this. In Writing, we will continue to read our new story ‘The Dragon Machine’. We will be exploring the characters and key events using conjunctions, adverbs and adjectives to write letters to Mrs Powell telling her about the chaos that the dragons are causing in our room.

In RE we will continue our learning about Judaism, in particular the importance of the 10 Commandments and the key parts of a synagogue.


Thank you for your continued support with home reading and times tables.

We have an exciting term ahead, especially with our upcoming residential to Fox Howl.

Have a lovely holiday

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern

Swallows Wk Beg 5.12.22, by Mrs Rice

Date: 1st Dec 2022 @ 7:05pm


A HUGE congratulations to our KS1 children, especially to Swallows class for their excellent performances of A Fireside Nativity this week. We are so proud of every single Swallow. From their singing, dancing, signing to the performing of their lines, they were amazing. Thank you for all of your support at home with learning their lines and the fabulous costumes. I know how special these occasions are for both the children and their families, we love them too!


Next week, we will be focusing on Reading, Writing and Maths. We will continue our work on addition and subtraction as well as learning our 5 times tables. In Wriitng we will read more of The Owl Who Is Afraid Of The Dark and use commas in a list as well as noun phrases to describe the owl, Plop. We will be using the text to provide evidence to our answers and focusing on inferring how a character is feeling.


Our spellings focus on how to add 'ly' to adjectives in order to create adverbs:

badly, softly, nearly, weakly, loudly, bravely, quietly, foolishly


We will be having our Christmas lunch and Christmas jumer day on Friday 9th December. 

PE will be as normal on Monday and Thursday.

Thank you for your continued support with home reading, spellings and times tables.

If you have any questions or queries please don't hesitate to talk to myself or Mrs Southern.

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern

Swallows Wk Beg 21st November 2022, by Mrs Rice

Date: 21st Nov 2022 @ 4:52pm

Hi Everyone

What a fantastic trip we had to the Liverpool Maritime Museum on Wednesday. I hope that you have enjoyed looking at our photgraphs on Twitter. The children were fabulous, we were really proud of them. Seeing them working together on the Albert Docks to describe their location using the four points of the compass was great.They showed friendship and kindness to each other. The children all looked super in their own clothes for Children in Need day on Friday, thank you for your kind donations to this wonderful charity. 

Our spellings this week focus on adding the suffix 'y'.

spotty, runny, s;oppy, funny, muddy, nutty, boggy, yummy


In Writing, we will begin our new story The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson. The children will make predictions and gather information about the characters.
In Maths we will begin looking at number fact families for addition and subtraction ie 12+8 = 20, 8+12=20, 20-12=8 and 20-8=12. The children will explore the commutativity of addition and understand why this is not the case with subtraction. We will also introduce a times tables grid that will focus on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
In Science, we will combine our artistic and scientific skills and decide on the best material to provide texture to our art work and conduct an experiment to see the effect of salt and paint. The children are using the idea of texture to create an ocean, linking to our Titanic learning.
We are going to be exremely busy learning our lines for the Christmas play! Thank you for all of the costumes and for the time you are giving to the children to support them with their rehearsing at home. Please continue to practise the script with the children each night as the day is getting closer and closer... The children's singing is sounding beautiful, a little sneak preview is on Twitter! 
Thank you also for your continued support with home reading, spellings and times tables. As always, please come and see me, email or ring me if you have any questions or queries.
Many thanks
Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern.

Swallows Wk beg 11th November 2022, by Mrs Rice

Date: 3rd Nov 2022 @ 10:25pm

Hi Everyone

We have had a great first week back together in Swallows class :) The children have enjoyed getting to know the songs for our Christmas play and are sounding great. Please let me know if you have any questions about the children's costumes. 

A little message from School Councl:

Hello everybody,
School council would like to remind you all that our book swap is tomorrow (4th November) straight after school. 
Please send your child to school with a book they are happy to give away and swap for another preloved book. There will be a section for adults too. 
Thank you, 
School Council

Next week we will be starting a beautiful new book in our Writing lessons, The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark by Jill Tomlinson. This book will be the stimulus for our non chronological report writing. 

In Maths, we will be comparing 2 digit numbers using the < > and = symbols. We will be ordering numbers and counting in 2's, 5's, 10's and 3's. 

Our spellings this week focus on the 'or' sound spelt 'a' when beofre 'l' and 'll':

tall, wall, small, also, almost, always, altogether, already 

On Friday 11th November, we will be visiting the cenotaph in our church grounds to commemorate Remembrance Day. The children will explore the significance of the poppy and reflect upon the sacrifices the soldiers gave for us. 

Thank you for your continued support with reading, spellings at times tables at home. Please come and see me or Mrs Southern if you have any questions or queries.

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern

Swallows Wk Beg 17.10.22, by Mrs Rice

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 10:03pm

Hi Everyone

This week we have our Forest Schools session on Thursday. Please can the children bring wellies, a spare change of shoes for inside and a warm waterproof coat with them. They will still have Cricket in the afternoon so will need their trainers. 

In Maths, we will be placing 2 digit numbers on a number line in tens, then in tens and ones and finally estimating the position of numbers. The children will progress onto comparing two given numbers using the <, > and = signs. They will continue to learn their ten times tables.

In Writing, the children will be planning their own story based on the story Troll Swap. They will create characters who swap lives as they don’t fit in with their families. We will explore how to write sentences that make sense with noun phrases and correct punctuation. The children are also working hard on their letter formation and overall presentation of their handwriting.

This week's spellings are:

clothes, could, door, cold, even

In Science, the children will be testing which material is the most suitable for a teabag.

In History, we will explore the role the band played during the sinking of the Titanic and the Christian Values that they demonstrated. The children will discuss ways in which help could have altered the outcome.

In RE, the children will continue to explore Bible stories that help us to understand Jesus.

This week will be the children’s final Cricket lesson so after the half term, they will only need to wear PE kits on a Monday.

I hope that you all have a wonderful half term holiday. I have loved getting to know the children and we are really proud of them all.

Love Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern 

Swallows Wk beg 10.10.22, by Mrs Rice

Date: 9th Oct 2022 @ 10:58pm

Hi Everyone

Another busy, hard working week for Swallows class. The children really enjoyed their Titanic workshop. It was lovely to see them in character of first, second and third class passengers interacting with each other. We will be using an atlas again in our Geography lessons to locate Belfast (where the Titanic was made) Southhampton (where she set sail) and New York (where she was headed for)

This week our spellings are:

child children Christmas class climb


In Maths, we will be looking at how to partition 2 digit numbers differently, how to write numbers in the expanded form eg 37 = 30 and 7 and how to position numbers on a number line. A great website to practise times tables is:



In Writing, we will be meeting Tabitha’s parents and using role play to explore their thoughts and feelings. We will be using noun phrases to write leters explaining how we feel about our loud and loopy daughter.


In Science we will be using observation and testing to compare objects and materials.


The children will enjoy outdoor PE lessons with Mr Ault and Andy our Cheshire Cricket coach.

We are busy practising for our Harvest worship in church which is at 10:30am on Monday 17th October. We would love to see you there.


Thank you for your continued support with home reading. The children are encouraged to change their class library book independently as often as they wish to.


Please come and see us if you have any questions or queries.


Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern

Swallows 3rd October 2022, by Mrs Rice

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 10:50pm

Hi Everyone

What a busy, hard working week we have had! The children are continuing to settle well and we are so proud of how well they are coming into school independently each morning. Thank you for your support with this. 

In Writing, the children will be exploring the characters of Timothy and Tabitha through role play and drama activities. They will embed their understanding of what makes a sentence and how to improve it using noun phrases.

In Maths, the children will continue to focus on their understanding of place value of two digit numbers. They will partition them, place them on a number line, compare them using < > and =. And say a number that lies between two given numbers. The children will solve problems where there is more than one possibility. They will also practise their ten times table.

The spellings for this week are: because, behind, both, break, busy


In Science we will be identifying and comparing the suitability of everyday materials through investigations.

In Geography, the children will use atlases to locate the four countries of the United Kingdom along with the capital cities. In History, we will place the Titanic on a class timeline.

In RE, the children will read a variety of Bible stories and explore what they teach us about Jesus and God. The children will explore what God means to them.

On Thursday 6th October, Swallows will have their Titanic workshop in the afternoon. School uniform to be worn please.  

I am really happy that the reading diaries have finally arrived! Please read with the children daily and sign their diaries to ensure progression in reading. We can also communicate through the diaries.

Thank you for your continued support

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern

Swallows wk beg 26th September 2022, by Mrs Rice

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 7:44pm

Hi Everyone

Swallows have had another great week together in Year Two. The children are settling well. We are still waiting for the reading diaries to arrive; they are being chased. We have explained to the children that they can change their class library books whenever they need to. RWI books will come home each Friday as always. Please continue to read daily with your child to encourage fluency and comprehension. 

Next week in Writing lessons we are continuing to use noun phrases to improve our description. The children are exploring with a variety of adjectives and thinking carefully about how to use powerful vocabulary.

In Maths, we are embedding our understanding of how to partition 2 digit numbers thinking carefully about the value of each digit and how to represent them in a variety of ways. We will also be learning our ten times table.

In RE we will be exploring how Christians understand God through a variety of Bible stories (eg Moses and the Burning Bush) and thinking about what God means to us.

The children will continue to explore the properties of materials and carry out an investigation to see which one is the most durable. The children will use their Scientific skills of enquiry and observation.

The spellings for this week are:

after, again, any, beautiful and bath

We have our fantastic Titanic workshop in school on 6th October, payment for this is required on our School Gateway system please.

Our PE lessons are a Monday and a Thursday this half term. The children look really smart and cosy in their PE uniforms. 

As always, if you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to talk to myself or Mrs Southern.

Have a great week.

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern

Swallows Wk Beg 19.09.22, by Mrs Rice

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 3:31pm

Hi Everybody

It has been wonderful getting to know all of the children in Swallows class. We are going to have a super year. Thank you for coming to meet me last night, it was great to chat with you all.

The children are coming into school so sensibly and independently which is great. I am really proud of them for this.

Just a reminder that school is closed on Monday 19th September due to the Queen's funeral.

Next week in our Writing lessons we will be continuing to use adjectives to write noun phrases to describe Timothy and Tabitha, the characters in our story Troll Swap by Leigh Hodgkinson.

In Maths we will be learning to partition 2 digit numbers as well as learning the value of each digit in the number.  We will also be learning our ten times tables.

In Science, the children will be exploring the properties of materials.

In Geography, we will be making our travelling class maps, locating the 4 countries of the UK and locating London and Northwich on a map of England.

In History, we will use our chronology skills to place the sinking of the Titanic on our class time line and use artefacts to explore the event.

PE with Mr Ault will be on Monday and the children will have their second cricket lesson on Thursday. Please can all long hair be tied back and earrings taken out or plasters provided to cover them, thank you. 

Reading books will come home on Friday, this follows the same routine as last year. 

Please come and see us if you have any worries or concerns about anything, we are always here to help.

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern

Swallows 03.05.2022, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 25th Apr 2022 @ 2:47pm

Swallows Class blog

Friday 29th April 2022

Top Table: Ella and Amber    Praise: Joe T


Week beginning 3rd May 2022:

We will continue to complete our spelling tests on a Thursday and our times tables test will take place on a Friday.  


Please note that our PE day this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 

Swallows class are spending time exploring our whole school project based on Global Neighbours. We will be finding out as much as possible over the next few weeks. 

In maths we are going back to fill gaps in addition and subtraction, as well as multiplication and division, to support the children ready for their SATs papers.


Read Write Inc

You will have noticed this week that your child may have changed RWI groups or come off the scheme to move on to Pathways to Read. If you have any concerns about how your child is progressing with their reading, please come and speak with me so that I can share more personalised strategies. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


For the next two weeks we are going to focus on spelling contractions. It is crucial that the children learn to join the letters accurately and where an apostrophe is the letters either side of it cannot be joined.

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on Thursday 5th May are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved on to learning their 5 x tables! Well done! If you would like your child to progress quicker, please access times tables rockstars to support their times tables knowledge. 


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 5 x table facts to help prepare for our 5 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.

Have a lovely, safe weekend!

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson 

Swallows 25.04.22, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 20th Apr 2022 @ 12:23pm

Swallows Class blog

Friday 22nd April 2022

Top Table: Olivia and Anya    Praise: Amelia

Welcome back to the Summer term. We have got a really busy and exciting term ahead of us as we near the end of Year 2. This week we will be welcoming another student teacher into the class, who is in their final placement before qualifying and the children are excited to meet them.

Week beginning 25th April 2022:

We will continue to complete our spelling tests on a Thursday and our times tables test will take place on a Friday.  


Please note that our PE day this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 

For the Summer term, we will be exploring our new English text 'The Last Wolf' by Mini Grey where we will be developing our letter writing skills. We are going to spend time developing our test techniques in reading by using skimming and scanning the text for retrieval answers. In maths, we are going to be compiling lessons together to ensure that all content is taught. The children will begin the day recapping 4 a day to maintain their level of understanding. 

We are researching and discovering information about endangered and extinct animals and how and why they are in this position. 


Read Write Inc

You will have noticed this week that your child may have changed RWI groups or come off the scheme to move on to Pathways to Read. If you have any concerns about how your child is progressing with their reading, please come and speak with me so that I can share more personalised strategies. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


For the next two weeks we are going to focus on spelling contractions. It is crucial that the children learn to join the letters accurately and where an apostrophe is the letters either side of it cannot be joined.

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on Friday 29th April are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved on to learning their 5 x tables! Well done! If you would like your child to progress quicker, please access times tables rockstars to support their times tables knowledge. 


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 5 x table facts to help prepare for our 5 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.

Have a lovely, safe weekend!

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson 

Swallows class 19.04.2022, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 6:39pm

Swallows Class blog

Thursday 31st March

Top Table: Ethan and William    Praise: Skyla

As we draw to the end of the Spring term, I would like to thank all the children for the hard work they have put into this term. It has been a term of great progression and lots of fun. Our highlight being our trip to Delamere forest. 


Week beginning 19th April 2022:

We will continue to complete our spelling tests on a Thursday and our times tables test will take place on a Friday.   


Please note that our PE day this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 

As we return for the Summer term, we will be exploring our new English text 'The Last Wolf' by Mini Grey where we will be developing our letter writing skills. We are going to spend time developing our test techniques in reading by using skimming and scanning the text for retrieval answers. In maths, we are going to be compiling lessons together to ensure that all content is taught. The children will begin the day recapping 4 a day to maintain their level of understanding. 



Read Write Inc

You will have noticed this week that your child may have changed RWI groups or come off the scheme to move on to Pathways to Read. If you have any concerns about how your child is progressing with their reading, please come and speak with me so that I can share more personalised strategies. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


For the next two weeks we are going to focus on spelling contractions. It is crucial that the children learn to join the letters accurately and where an apostrophe is the letters either side of it cannot be joined.

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on Friday 22nd April are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved on to learning their 5 x tables! Well done! If you would like your child to progress quicker, please access times tables rockstars to support their times tables knowledge. 


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 5 x table facts to help prepare for our 5 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.

Have a lovely, safe weekend!

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson 

Swallows w/b 28.03.22, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 20th Mar 2022 @ 8:44pm

Swallows Class blog

Friday 25th March

Top Table: Joseph O and  Arnold    Praise: Ella

We have had such an amazing residential at Delamere forest and made some brilliant memories. The children were so well behaved and really represented our school well. 

Miss Cooper, our student teacher, will be leaving us to finish her studies at University before beginning her career as a teacher. We are so thankful for all the support she has provided to the children and the great relationships she has made with Swallows class. We wish her well in the future and hope that she continues to shine! 


Week beginning 19th April 2022:

We will continue to complete our spelling tests on a Thursday and our times tables test will take place on a Friday.   


Please note that our PE day this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 

As we return for the Summer term, we will be exploring our new English text 'The Last Wolf' by Mini Grey where we will be developing our letter writing skills. We are going to spend time developing our test techniques in reading by using skimming and scanning the text for retrieval answers. In maths, we are going to be compiling lessons together to ensure that all content is taught. The children will begin the day recapping 4 a day to maintain their level of understanding. 



Read Write Inc

You will have noticed this week that your child may have changed RWI groups or come off the scheme to move on to Pathways to Read. If you have any concerns about how your child is progressing with their reading, please come and speak with me so that I can share more personalised strategies. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


For the next two weeks we are going to focus on spelling contractions. It is crucial that the children learn to join the letters accurately and where an apostrophe is the letters either side of it cannot be joined.

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on Friday 22nd April are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved on to learning their 5 x tables! Well done! If you would like your child to progress quicker, please access times tables rockstars to support their times tables knowledge. 


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 5 x table facts to help prepare for our 5 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.

Have a lovely, safe weekend!

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson 

Swallows W/B 21.03.22, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 13th Mar 2022 @ 9:04pm

Swallows Class blog

Friday 18th March

Top Table: India and Millie     Praise: Anya

If you could not attend the meeting for the Delamere trip, I will be sending an email with the documents attached. If you would prefer a paper copy, please come and see me at the door in the morning. 


Week beginning 21st March 2022:

We will continue to complete our spelling tests on a Thursday and our times tables test will take place on a Friday.   


Please note that our PE day this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 

This week- Delamere forest and maths day

This week, we are so excited to take the children on their first ever residential to Fox Howl. After having great memories there myself, I am confident that the children will make memories that will stay with them for life. We are going to be doing lots of exciting activities and we are hoping that the weather is dry!

When we return to school, we will begin to celebrate maths day which will take place on Friday 25th March. 



Read Write Inc

You will have noticed this week that your child may have changed RWI groups or come off the scheme to move on to Pathways to Read. If you have any concerns about how your child is progressing with their reading, please come and speak with me so that I can share more personalised strategies. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


For the next two weeks we are going to focus on spelling contractions. It is crucial that the children learn to join the letters accurately and where an apostrophe is the letters either side of it cannot be joined.

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on Friday 25th March are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved on to learning their 5 x tables! Well done! If you would like your child to progress quicker, please access times tables rockstars to support their times tables knowledge. 


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 5 x table facts to help prepare for our 5 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.

Have a lovely, safe weekend!

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson 

Swallows W/b 14.03.2022, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 1:21pm

Swallows Class blog

Friday 11th March

Top Table: Jayden R and Joe T     Praise: Olivia

If you could not attend the meeting for the Delamere trip, I will be sending an email with the documents attached. If you would prefer a paper copy, please come and see me at the door in the morning. Thank you for all the parents who attended parents evening or were able to discuss their child's progress with me on the phone. It was lovely to share your child's work with you and discuss their strengths. 


Week beginning 14th March 2022:

We will continue to complete our spelling tests on a Thursday and our times tables test will take place on a Friday.   


Please note that our PE day this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 

This week

This week, we are celebrating British Science Week where there are going to be plenty of opportunities for the children to participate in celebrating Science. Currently, we have welcomed some caterpillars into our classroom to study and experience the life cycle process of a butterfly. 

You will notice on Twitter that we are beginning our new whole-school project called 'Global Neighbours'. This is very exciting and gives the children to explore ways to help to prevent climate change. 



Read Write Inc

You will have noticed this week that your child may have changed RWI groups or come off the scheme to move on to Pathways to Read. If you have any concerns about how your child is progressing with their reading, please come and speak with me so that I can share more personalised strategies. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


For the next two weeks we are going to focus on spelling contractions. It is crucial that the children learn to join the letters accurately and where an apostrophe is the letters either side of it cannot be joined.

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on Thursday 17th March are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved on to learning their 5 x tables! Well done! If you would like your child to progress quicker, please access times tables rockstars to support their times tables knowledge. 


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 5 x table facts to help prepare for our 5 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.

Have a lovely, safe weekend!

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson 

Swallows 7.3.22, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 27th Feb 2022 @ 8:07pm

Swallows Class blog

Friday 4th March

Top Table: Kenzie and Charlotte     Praise: Arija

Welcome back! We hope you had an enjoyable half-term break and hope you are looking forward to the remaining weeks of the Spring term. This week, we have enjoyed a couple of RE days, focussing on Judaism, to complete our sequence of learning. The children have developed a good understanding of all areas of this religion. We also had a lot of fun on World Book Day, where we completed different, fun activities and it was a delight to see children dressed to celebrate the day! Thank you also to all parents that attended the Delamere talk, I hope it has reassured and prepared you and your child/children for the trip. 


Week beginning 28th February 2022:

We will continue to complete our spelling tests on a Thursday and our times tables test will take place on a Friday.   


Please note that our PE day this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 

This week

Parents evenings will be taking place 8th/9th March, you can book an appointment through school spider. This will be an update on your child's progress since our last conversation. 



Read Write Inc

You will have noticed this week that your child may have changed RWI groups or come off the scheme to move on to Pathways to Read. If you have any concerns about how your child is progressing with their reading, please come and speak with me so that I can share more personalised strategies. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


For the next two weeks we are going to focus on spelling contractions. It is crucial that the children learn to join the letters accurately and where an apostrophe is the letters either side of it cannot be joined.

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on Thursday 10th March are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved on to learning their 5 x tables! Well done! If you would like your child to progress quicker, please access times tables rockstars to support their times tables knowledge. 


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 5 x table facts to help prepare for our 5 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.

Have a lovely, safe weekend!

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson 

Swallows WB 28.02.2022, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 14th Feb 2022 @ 7:02pm

Swallows Class blog

Friday 18th February

Top Table: Isaac and Lukas     Praise: Arnold

What a fantastic half-term we have had. Swallows have loved working with their student teacher, Miss Cooper and Miss Thwaites has loved her first half-term with Swallows class. It has been a priviledge working with the children and seeing how much progress they have made so far in such a short space of time. The children have produced some fantastic final writes based on our book 'The Dragon Machine'. The stories created have been exciting to read and the children have really shown off the skills they have developed. WELL DONE, SWALLOWS!


Week beginning 28th February 2022:

We will continue to complete our spelling tests on a Thursday and our times tables test will take place on a Friday.   


Please note that our PE day this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 

This week

There is lots happening on the first week back after half-term.

Information for parents:

Fox Howl meeting will take place on 2nd March at 2:45pm.

World Book Day will take place on 2nd March where the children can come dressed up as their favourite character or in pj's. 

We are going to spend a great deal of time focusing on Judasim by completing our learning over the duration of a few days. This will allow us the opportunity to fully emerse ourselves in our new whole-school project.

New story focus in Writing- Major Glad, Major Dizzy by Jan Oke



Read Write Inc

You will have noticed this week that your child may have changed RWI groups or come off the scheme to move on to Pathways to Read. If you have any concerns about how your child is progressing with their reading, please come and speak with me so that I can share more personalised strategies. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


For the next two weeks we are going to focus on spelling contractions. It is crucial that the children learn to join the letters accurately and where an apostrophe is the letters either side of it cannot be joined.

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on Thursday 3rd March are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved on to learning their 5 x tables! Well done! If you would like your child to progress quicker, please access times tables rockstars to support their times tables knowledge. 


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 5 x table facts to help prepare for our 5 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.

Have a lovely, safe weekend!

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson 

Swallows WB 14.02.2022, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 2:38pm

Welcome back to Swallows Class blog

Friday 11th February

Top Table: Jayden B and Tommy          Praise: Amber

A very big thank you for all parents taking the time to discuss with me about their child on Tuesday, this week. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing their achievements with you all. Thank you for your continued support!

We have had an enjoyable week in Swallows. The children have loved working with Mrs Elson this week to explore all the techniques they have been learning to develop in art to create fantastic final pieces based on the ocean the Titanic crossed. The children have worked so well to support each other and provided good feedback to their chosen partners to support them in improving their piece. The children focussed on a piece of artwork created by the famous 'Hokusai' called 'The Great Wave off Kanagawa'. 

New APP alert:

To support your child in their maths, knowing their number bonds to 10, addition and subtraction, then I believe this app is ideal. There is an app that has been developed by White Rose Maths called 1-Minute Maths. This app provides hints which are visuals to support your child if they are struggling. The app is completely FREE and just a few minutes a day could benefit your child hugely. 



Week beginning 14th February 2022:

We will continue to complete our spelling tests on a Thursday and our times tables test will take place on a Friday.   


Please note that our PE day this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 

This week

This week, we are very excited to write our final stories that we have rigorously planned this week. The children have chosen and created new fictional creatures like mermaids, robots and fairies. They have either kept our main character of George the same or chosen to change him. They will spend 2-3 days writing their final pieces and ensuring that they have spent time editing and improving their pieces of work. I am so excited to see what they can do and cannot wait to read them. The children have loved this unit of work based on 'The Dragon Machine'!



Read Write Inc

Please see your child's diary for their reading/sound focus. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


During the Spring term our spellings will be focused on the Year Two Common Exception words. We are recapping these from the Autumn term to ensure that the children are secure in how to spell them. These are words that the children will come across frequently in both their reading and writing. We will complete a spelling quiz in class every Friday. Please use your spelling whiteboard to help you to learn your spellings each week. We will write your child's score in their diary each week. This will be written next to the spellings they have been tested on that day. This will be on the page of the previous weeks. 

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on Thursday 17th February are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved on to learning their 5 x tables! Well done! If you would like your child to progress quicker, please access times tables rockstars to support their times tables knowledge. 


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 10 x table facts to help prepare for our silver 10 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.

Have a lovely, safe weekend!

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson 

Swallows WB 7.2.2022, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 31st Jan 2022 @ 3:50pm

Welcome back to Swallows Class blog

Friday 4th February

Top Table: Layla and Luciana            Praise: Albie

We have had an enjoyable week in Swallows. The children have loved working with Miss Cooper to complete their music lessons where they have been learning to use the glockenspiels alongside singing the song 'I want to play in a band'. The children have been delving deeper into their geography by locating the countries where the Titanic departed and stopped at before sinking. The children have revisited their prior learning to answer more in depth questions. In Computing, the children are working hard to programme and debug systems, using the knowledge they have developed over the past few weeks in relation to algorithms. 

We will be having an extra session of PE this week, please ensure your child comes into school in their kit on Wednesday 9th February.

New APP alert:

To support your child in their maths, knowing their number bonds to 10, addition and subtraction, then I believe this app is ideal. There is an app that has been developed by White Rose Maths called 1-Minute Maths. This app provides hints which are visuals to support your child if they are struggling. The app is completely FREE and just a few minutes a day could benefit your child hugely. 



Week beginning 7th February 2022:

We will continue to complete our spelling tests on a Thursday and our times tables test will take place on a Friday.   


Please note that our PE days this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 

This week

This week, we are going to be returning to the art techniques we explored in our art. We are going to focus on a piece of artwork created by the famous 'Hokusai' called 'The Great Wave off Kanagawa'. The children are going to be taking a few steps back and explore this great artist to find out the printing techniques used. We are going to create a double page about the artist noting down key facts and how his printing technique is unique. We are then going to create a double page to test and identify the tools and skills developed. Eventually, we will recreate a sea picture again improving on our first pictures to use our skills more methodically. We are then going to share our thoughts and wishes of other people's work to support them in improving their work further. 



Read Write Inc

Please see your child's diary for their reading/sound focus. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


During the Spring term our spellings will be focused on the Year Two Common Exception words. We are recapping these from the Autumn term to ensure that the children are secure in how to spell them. These are words that the children will come across frequently in both their reading and writing. We will complete a spelling quiz in class every Friday. Please use your spelling whiteboard to help you to learn your spellings each week. We will write your child's score in their diary each week. This will be written next to the spellings they have been tested on that day. This will be on the page of the previous weeks. 

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on Thursday 10th February are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved on to learning their 5 x tables! Well done! If you would like your child to progress quicker, please access times tables rockstars to support their times tables knowledge. 


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 10 x table facts to help prepare for our silver 10 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.

Have a lovely, safe weekend!

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson 

Swallows WB 31.01.2022, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 4:29pm

Welcome back to Swallows Class blog

Top Table: Owen and Ethan            Praise: India

What a fantastic week we have had! We have been investigating the route which the Titanic followed and explored where the Titanic did not reach. During this time we recaped the continents and identified key oceans and countries. The children had great discussions and ideas about how travel has changed over the years, in particular, how planes and ships have enhanced travel.

New APP alert:

To support your child in their maths, knowing their number bonds to 10, addition and subtraction, then I believe this app is ideal. There is an app that has been developed by White Rose Maths called 1-Minute Maths. This app provides hints which are visuals to support your child if they are struggling. The app is completely FREE and just a few minutes a day could benefit your child hugely. 



Week beginning 31st January 2022:

We will continue to complete our spelling tests on a Thursday and our times tables test will take place on a Friday.   


Please note that our PE days this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 


Next Week

Next week, we are going to be returning to the art techniques we explored in our art. We are going to focus on a piece of artwork created by the famous 'Hokusai' called 'The Great Wave off Kanagawa'. The children are going to be taking a few steps back and explore this great artist to find out the printing techniques used. We are going to create a double page about the artist noting down key facts and how his printing technique is unique. We are then going to create a double page to test and identify the tools and skills developed. Eventually, we will recreate a sea picture again improving on our first pictures to use our skills more methodically. We are then going to share our thoughts and wishes of other people's work to support them in improving their work further. 




Read Write Inc

Please see your child's diary for their reading/sound focus. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


During the Spring term our spellings will be focused on the Year Two Common Exception words. We are recapping these from the Autumn term to ensure that the children are secure in how to spell them. These are words that the children will come across frequently in both their reading and writing. We will complete a spelling quiz in class every Friday. Please use your spelling whiteboard to help you to learn your spellings each week. We will write your child's score in their diary each week. This will be written next to the spellings they have been tested on that day. This will be on the page of the previous weeks. 

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on Thursday 3rd February are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved onto their silver challenge! Well done!


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 10 x table facts to help prepare for our silver 10 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.

Have a lovely, safe weekend!

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson 

Swallows WB 24.1.22, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 16th Jan 2022 @ 8:48pm

Welcome back to Swallows Class blog

Week beginning 24th January 2022

Top Table: Skyla and Joshua           Praise: Will


I am continuing to love getting to know Swallows class and developing strong relationships. The children have loved getting to know Miss Cooper this week as she has been working alongside me to 'team teach' the children. Swallows have been enthused by their learning this week and I know how much they have loved our topic themed sessions, in particular our role play looking at whether it is morally right or wrong to take items from the Titanic wreckage. The children created great arguments and were able to verbally justify their reasoning, building on other children's thoughts and feelings. 


Key change

I have taken the decision to change the day of the weekly spellings test, this is to try and reduce the amount of testing that is done in one morning as I feel it is too much for the children. Swallows will be tested on their spellings on a Thursday and their timestables on a Friday morning. 


Please note that our PE days this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 


Next Week

Next week, we will be exploring the geographical location of where the Titanic departed from and where it sank. We are going to be able to do the following:

  • Describe the location of features and routes on a map.
  • Know the 7 continents and 5 oceans/seas of the world
  • Know the rivers in each capital city of the UK
  • Explain what lessons have been learned.




Read Write Inc

Please see your child's diary for their reading/sound focus. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


During the Spring term our spellings will be focused on the Year Two Common Exception words. We are recapping these from the Autumn term to ensure that the children are secure in how to spell them. These are words that the children will come across frequently in both their reading and writing. We will complete a spelling quiz in class every Friday. Please use your spelling whiteboard to help you to learn your spellings each week. We will write your child's score in their diary each week. This will be written next to the spellings they have been tested on that day. This will be on the page of the previous weeks. 

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on Thursday 27th January are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved onto their silver challenge! Well done!


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 10 x table facts to help prepare for our silver 10 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.

Have a lovely, safe weekend!

Miss Thwaites, Mrs Elson and Miss Cooper

Swallows WB 17.01.2022, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 10th Jan 2022 @ 4:27pm

Welcome back to Swallows Class blog

Week beginning 17th January 2022

Top Table: Eleanor and Megan              Praise: Millie


We have had a fabulous week in Swallows! We have spent more time getting to know each other and the children have behaved impeccably and have been extremely helpful. Sadly, we have taken the decision to cancel the school Christmas performance which we know will be diappointing for the children. However, I am excitied to do a performance in the Summer together!

This week, the children have welcomed a student teacher (Miss Cooper), who will be with us until the Easter holidays. She will work with the children and myself to enhance the teaching and learning.



Please note that our PE days this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 


Next Week

Next week, we will be exploring more surrounding 'Titanic'. The children will be discovering and identifying how ships have changed over times and investigating the reasons for this. 




Read Write Inc

Please see your child's diary for their reading/sound focus. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


During the Spring term our spellings will be focused on the Year Two Common Exception words. We are recapping these from the Autumn term to ensure that the children are secure in how to spell them. These are words that the children will come across frequently in both their reading and writing. We will complete a spelling quiz in class every Friday. Please use your spelling whiteboard to help you to learn your spellings each week. We will write your child's score in their diary each week. This will be written next to the spellings they have been tested on that day. This will be on the page of the previous weeks. 

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on 21st January are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved onto their silver challenge! Well done!


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 10 x table facts to help prepare for our silver 10 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.

Have a lovely, safe weekend!

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson

Swallows WB 10.1.22, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 5:35pm

Week beg 10th January 2022

Happy New Year to everyone! It has been lovely meeting and getting to know Swallows class. I am very pleased to be Swallows new class teacher and can't wait for our journey together this year!

We have a very busy yet exciting term in store for us!


This week we have started our new story 'The Dragon Machine' written by Helen Ward. The children began the week noticing dragon footprints and that an egg had been laid. Throughout the week they have used adjectives to create noun phrases to describe what they have found. We will continue with developing this during next week.   


Swallows class are currently working with money by adding up different coins.


In Religion, we are exploring the Jewish faith and discovering their love for God in their daily life. 


Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime storybooks. Please take turns reading to each other. Listening is just as important as being able to read and will support your child in their understanding of stories.


Please refer to your child’s diary for information regarding the sounds that your child has been taught and also the titles of the books they will have at home.


During the Spring term, our spellings will be focused on the Year Two Common Exception words. These are words that the children will come across frequently in both their reading and writing. We will complete a spelling quiz in class every Friday. We will write your child's score in their diary each week. This will be written next to the spellings they have been tested on that day. This will be on the page of the previous weeks. 

There is no spelling quiz on Friday 7th January.  Spellings will be put  in your child’s homework diary on the 7th January for the following week.

Times tables

There is no times tables quiz on Friday 7th January. Time tables will be given on Friday 7th January ready to complete the spelling quiz on the 14th January. 

PE day will be on Monday (Mr Ault)


Kind regards,

Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson

Swallows Blog 29.11.21, by Miss Gillam

Date: 28th Nov 2021 @ 10:56pm

Welcome back to Swallows Class blog


Top Table: Layla              Praise: Lukas


We have had yet another wonderful week of super learning in Swallows class this week. Christmas play rehearsals are well underway. Please continue to learn your words at home as there will be no scripts on stage during our live performances.  You will have seen already that our performance dates have changed. Thank you to those who have brought costumes in to school already. Please could we have any remaining costumes in school ASAP.  



Please note that our PE days this week are Monday and Thursday. Our usual Wednesday cricket session has moved to Thursday for this week only. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day. 


Next Week

We will be completing our termly assessments in school this week. We will complete a selection of ‘Show me what you know’ quizzes. These are used to inform planning and assess progress in Reading and Maths.

Our English work will continue to focus on ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ this week. We will plan and write our own non-chronological reports about cats, using what we have learnt about owls to help us.

We will be completing an exciting science investigation this week where we explore which materials are best for mopping up a spill. We will also link our Science learning to our history topic of ‘flight’ by creating our very own parachutes.




Read Write Inc


Orange Group- Miss Gillam 26.11.2021

Follow Me

Can you see me?


New sounds:

  • ire- fire
  • ear- hear with your ear
  • ure- sure it’s pure
  • tion- pay attention it’s a celebration


Reading focus: We have been focusing on reading at an appropriate pace this week. Not too fast, not too slow!


Please continue to use your little sounds book to read words containing each of our new sounds for this week. Remember, we are now focusing on being super speedy readers and need to be able to spot the special friends, Fred talk and read the word using Fred in our head as quickly as possible. You will find lots of words to read on the back of each speed sound card.



Yellow Group – Miss Gillam 26.11.2021

  • Fun at the fair
  • A mouse in the house


New sounds: New sounds:

  • ire- fire fire
  • ear- hear with your ear
  • ure- sure it’s pure
  • tion- pay attention it’s a celebration



Reading focus: We have been focusing on reading at an appropriate pace this week. Not too fast, not too slow!


Please continue to use your little sounds book to read words containing each of our new sounds for this week. Remember, we are now focusing on being super speedy readers and need to be able to spot the special friends, Fred talk and read the word using Fred in our head as quickly as possible. You will find lots of words to read on the back of each speed sound card.

Blue Group– Mrs Elson 26.11.21

At the seaside

A hole in my tooth

New sounds:

  • Ire- fire fire
  • ear- hear with your ear
  • ure- sure it’s pure
  • tion- pay attention it’s a celebration

Reading focus:  We are continuing to revisit our sounds and we have been looking at our non-fiction books and the features of those books.

Please use your new sounds book to read new words containing each sound on the back of the speed sound cards. There are also speed words in the back of the books too.


Pink Group – Mrs Esling 26.11.21

The dressing up box

Sam’s Bag


New sounds

  • ai – snail in the rain
  • oa – goat in a boat
  • ew – chew the stew


Reading focus This week we have been focusing on the punctuation in our book and changing the intonation In our voice to reflect this.


Please continue to use your little sounds book to read words containing each of our new sounds for this week. Remember, we are now focusing on being super speedy readers and need to be able to spot the special friends, Fred talk and read the word using Fred in our head as quickly as possible. You will find lots of words to read on the back of each speed sound card.


Grey Group – Mrs Judge / Mrs Hoskins 26.11.21


Dear Vampire

The Train of Fear

Mythical Monsters


This week, we have been learning about using ‘y’ as a suffix and learning the rules about doubling the last consonant before adding ‘y’.


Practise reading and writing these words using our new rule:

mud = muddy, sag = saggy, bog = boggy, fun = funny, run = runny


Reading focus: We have been looking at clues in the text to tell us what might happen next in the story.


Please use your sounds book to practise words containing each sound on the back of the speed sound card.  




 Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 


During the Autumn term our spellings will be focused on the Year Two Common Exception words. These are words that the children will come across frequently in both their reading and writing. We will complete a spelling quiz in class every Friday. Please use your spelling whiteboard to help you to learn your spellings each week. We will write your child's score in their diary each week. This will be written next to the spellings they have been tested on that day. This will be on the page of the previous weeks. 

This week’s spellings to be quizzed on 3rd December are listed in your blue reading diary.


Times Tables 



Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved onto their silver challenge! Well done!


Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 10 x table facts to help prepare for our silver 10 x tables test which lots of children are now working on.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ? Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Gillam


Swallows Blog 15.11.2021, by Miss Gillam

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 6:35am

Hello and welcome back to Swallows class blog!


Top Table: Joseph O          Praise Book: Olivia

Swallows have had another wonderful week of super learning and have one again made Mrs Elson and I so proud of their fantastic attitudes towards their learning. We enjoyed a beautiful Remembrance Day service at Lostock war memorial on Thursday and our children showed respect as the reflected on the lives lost in the World Wars. We also planted Poppy seeds into our new garden of Remembrance. We can’t wait to watch them grown.


Thank you so much to those who have accessed Times Tables Rock Stars at home this week. If you have not managed to log in yet, please have a go this week. It will really help to prepare you for our weekly times tables quiz in the classroom. As always, should if you need any help with this. 


Christmas play rehearsals have begun and we are well on the way to learning the eight songs which feature in our play this year. Swallows have learnt how to read a script and have a good understanding of the story. Our next job is to learn our lines by heart. Please encourage your child to learn their lines at home. It would help if they knew who spoke before them so that they know when to come in.



As the weather is turning colder and wetter now, please ensure your child has a coat in school every day.


Next Week



Our Maths work will continue to focus on addition and subtraction this week. We will use number lines and place value counters to help us to calculate. Our aim is to really understand what happens as we bridge ten.

We will also continue to learn our 10 x table this week. Please remember that we will have our times tables quiz each Friday.  Your child must show that they can answer all questions correctly three times before moving onto the silver challenge.



Our English work will continue to focus on the beautiful story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ this week. Swallows will explore the use of different conjunctions and use them to extend their sentences. We will use co-coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or) to join clauses. We will then apply our knowledge of conjunctions by writing a setting description.


Read Write Inc


Orange Group- Miss Gillam 12.11.2021

I think I want to be a bee

A vet’s week

New sounds:

  • o-e phone home
  • u-e – huge brute
  • are – care and share
  • ur – nurse with a purse
  • aw – yawn at dawn


Reading focus: We have been focusing on reading at an appropriate pace this week. Not too fast, not too slow!


Please continue to use your little sounds book to read words containing each of our new sounds for this week. Remember, we are now focusing on being super speedy readers and need to be able to spot the special friends, Fred talk and read the word using Fred in our head as quickly as possible. You will find lots of words to read on the back of each speed sound card.



Yellow Group – Miss Gillam 12.11.2021

The Foolish Witch

Tom’s cooking class

What’s in the woods?


New sounds:

  • o-e phone home
  • u-e – huge brute
  • are – care and share
  • ur – nurse with a purse
  • aw – yawn at dawn

Reading focus: We have been focusing on reading at an appropriate pace this week. Not too fast, not too slow!


Please continue to use your little sounds book to read words containing each of our new sounds for this week. Remember, we are now focusing on being super speedy readers and need to be able to spot the special friends, Fred talk and read the word using Fred in our head as quickly as possible. You will find lots of words to read on the back of each speed sound card.


Blue Group– Mrs Elson 12.11.21

A box full of light

Dick Whittingham

The Sun

New sounds:

  • o-e phone home
  • u-e – huge brute
  • are – care and share
  • ur – nurse with a purse


Reading focus:  We are continuing to revisit our sounds and we have been looking at the speedy words at the back of the book to help improve the pace of our reading. We aim to be super, speedy readers.


Please use your new sounds book to read new words containing each sound on the back of the speed sound card.


Pink Group – Mrs Esling 12.11.21

Tab the cat

Pip the parrot

New sounds

  • i_e – nice smile
  • o_e phone home
  • u_e huge brute
  • aw yawn at dawn


Reading focus: We have been focusing on using Fred in our head to help us to become speedier readers this week. Remember to spot special friends, Fred talk and then read the word. 


Please continue to use your little sounds book to read words containing each of our new sounds for this week. Remember, we are now focusing on being super speedy readers and need to be able to spot the special friends, Fred talk and read the word using Fred in our head as quickly as possible. You will find lots of words to read on the back of each speed sound card.


Grey Group – Mrs Judge / Mrs Hoskins 12.11.21


Frog or Toad?

Pond Life


This week, we have continued our new RWI spelling scheme and spelling the or sound spelt a before 1 and ll. We have also started looking at the soft ‘c’ sound which we will continue with next week.


Practise reading and writing these words with the or sound: wall, talk, almost, stalk, chalk

Practise reading and writing these words with the soft ‘c’ sound: mice, icy, race, fancy, pencil


Reading focus: We have been focussing on comparing our text with other books we have read.





 Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. Please remember to record any reading in your blue reading diary.



 Throughout the Autumn term our spellings will be focused on the Year Two Common Exception words. These are words that the children will come across frequently in both their reading and writing. We will complete a spelling quiz in class every Friday. Please use your spelling whiteboard to help you to learn your spellings each week. We will write your child's score in their diary each week. This will be written next to the spellings they have been tested on that day. This will be on the page from the previous week's page. 

kind  last  many  mind  money

Our next spelling quiz will be on Friday 19th November.                                        

Maths Homework

Please continue to learn your 10 x table this week. We have given each child our Bronze times table challenge for this week. This involves learning the 10 x table in order. In addition to completing your written times table challenge, please log in to Times Tables Rock Stars. When you click into the TT Rock Stars home page, you need to select 'Garage' which is a single player game. This is where I can select specific tables for you to learn.  I have set you a little 10 times table challenge for this week. Remember, when you see the division sign, it is asking you how many tens are in that number. Use your counting in 10s to help you. Have fun choosing your rock star names and completing our special challenge

Our next times table quiz will be on Friday 19th November. You will move onto the silver challenge once you have answered all questions correctly on three occasions in school. 


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ? Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Gillam





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