Swallows 3rd October 2022
Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 10:50pm
Hi Everyone
What a busy, hard working week we have had! The children are continuing to settle well and we are so proud of how well they are coming into school independently each morning. Thank you for your support with this.
In Writing, the children will be exploring the characters of Timothy and Tabitha through role play and drama activities. They will embed their understanding of what makes a sentence and how to improve it using noun phrases.
In Maths, the children will continue to focus on their understanding of place value of two digit numbers. They will partition them, place them on a number line, compare them using < > and =. And say a number that lies between two given numbers. The children will solve problems where there is more than one possibility. They will also practise their ten times table.
The spellings for this week are: because, behind, both, break, busy
In Science we will be identifying and comparing the suitability of everyday materials through investigations.
In Geography, the children will use atlases to locate the four countries of the United Kingdom along with the capital cities. In History, we will place the Titanic on a class timeline.
In RE, the children will read a variety of Bible stories and explore what they teach us about Jesus and God. The children will explore what God means to them.
On Thursday 6th October, Swallows will have their Titanic workshop in the afternoon. School uniform to be worn please.
I am really happy that the reading diaries have finally arrived! Please read with the children daily and sign their diaries to ensure progression in reading. We can also communicate through the diaries.
Thank you for your continued support
Many thanks
Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern