Children's Well-being

- Recognising emotions
- Self-esteem
- Social skills
- Friendship skills
- Anger management
- Loss and bereavement
debt management
food bank referrals
support in TAF or Social Care meetings
benefits and Universal Credit enquiries
emotional support
one to one work with the children around their emotions
general advice
school uniform
signposting to other services to help you.

My name is Mrs Hoskins and I have the wonderful role of supporting children with their well-being, enabling them to be happy and flourish. I do this through intervention programmes known as Drawing and Talking and ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support).
Drawing and Talking is a gentle therapeutic approach, which provides an effective way for children to process any emotional pain or trauma that they may be experiencing. This technique is intended to allow the child to play, by drawing a picture or creating a story in sandplay, which they then talk about. This helps them to process any emotions that they are internally holding on to, in a safe and non-confrontational way, working at their own pace on a 1:1 basis. The programme runs for a 12 week period and on completion, the child then takes all 12 of their pictures home with them or photographs of the sand play scenarios.
More information on Drawing and Talking can be found at
Nurture group is a focused intervention to support children who are experiencing particular social, emotional or behavioural difficulties which are creating a barrier to their learning. Research shows that a child is able to learn best when they have strong self-esteem, a sense of belonging and resilience and this is supported through sessions within school on a regular basis. Our sessions focus on trust and the sharing of feelings and experiences in order to improve emotional skills, reduce difficult behaviour and enable the students to become more confident, more engaged with their learning and more resilient, positive young people.
We teach our PSHE lessons with the support of a scheme of work called Jigsaw. Jigsaw is a whole-school approach and embodies a positive philosophy and creative teaching and learning activities to nurture children’s development as compassionate and well-rounded human beings as well as building their capacity to learn.
Jigsaw has two main aims for all children:
- To build their capacity for learning
- To equip them for life
Please look to our PSHE page for more information.
Accessing Children's Mental Health Support outside of school
Whilst we are proud of the way Children's mental health is supported in our school, we recognise that there are times in which you need to access the support of specialist services outside of our school community. Below are some useful links chosen by Mrs. Powell and our Mental Health lead, Mrs. O'Marah.
Here is a link to livewell page which details the Children's Mental Health support offered by Cheshire West and Chester local authority