Swallows W/B 21.03.22
Date: 13th Mar 2022 @ 9:04pm
Swallows Class blog
Friday 18th March
Top Table: India and Millie Praise: Anya
If you could not attend the meeting for the Delamere trip, I will be sending an email with the documents attached. If you would prefer a paper copy, please come and see me at the door in the morning.
Week beginning 21st March 2022:
We will continue to complete our spelling tests on a Thursday and our times tables test will take place on a Friday.
Please note that our PE day this week are on Monday. Please come to school in your PE uniform as usual on this day.
This week- Delamere forest and maths day
This week, we are so excited to take the children on their first ever residential to Fox Howl. After having great memories there myself, I am confident that the children will make memories that will stay with them for life. We are going to be doing lots of exciting activities and we are hoping that the weather is dry!
When we return to school, we will begin to celebrate maths day which will take place on Friday 25th March.
Read Write Inc
You will have noticed this week that your child may have changed RWI groups or come off the scheme to move on to Pathways to Read. If you have any concerns about how your child is progressing with their reading, please come and speak with me so that I can share more personalised strategies.
Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too.
For the next two weeks we are going to focus on spelling contractions. It is crucial that the children learn to join the letters accurately and where an apostrophe is the letters either side of it cannot be joined.
This week’s spellings to be quizzed on Friday 25th March are listed in your blue reading diary.
Times Tables
Please complete your times tables work sheet for this week. Some children have now moved on to learning their 5 x tables! Well done! If you would like your child to progress quicker, please access times tables rockstars to support their times tables knowledge.
Please also use Hit the Button and choose the 5 x table facts to help prepare for our 5 x tables test which lots of children are now working on. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
If you have any worries or queries, please do not hesistate to get into contact with me.
Have a lovely, safe weekend!
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Elson