Date: 11th Nov 2021 @ 10:44pm
Hi Everyone
Wow, what an amazing week we have had. The children became scientists in our "Amazing Light" workshop led by Chester Cathedral. They explored opaque, transparant and translucent materials in a variety of ways using lots of exciting equipment. We enjoyed a beautiful Remembrance Day service at the war memorial this week, our children showed such repect, we were really proud of them. I am also really pleased with the progress the children are making in their ukuele music lessons. The children are learning how to read music, how to use pitch and the musical terms for parts of songs egchorus and bridge. We have enjoyed learning more songs for our Christmas production, Hoodwinked. Thank you for the costumes that we have had already, we can keep them safe in school. If you are having any problems in sourcing a checked shirt, please let me know.
In our Writing lessons next week we are really focusing on what makes a sentence. We are going back to basics to embed the fact that a sentence needs a noun and a verb. We will explore joining two clauses with a conjunction. Our descriptive writing will focus on winter scenes from our beautiful story Winter's Child by Angela McCallister. Our reading lessons will continue to be based upon The Ice Palace by Robert Swindells. We will explore new winter vocabulary in both texts, practise reading out loud using punctuation to enhance meaning and ask questions about the characters and plot.
The children will be adding 3 digit numbers using partitioning, number lines and the column method. We will support this new learning with practical equipment such as place value counters and base ten equipment. We will also be working on our rapid recall of times tables facts. We use speed grids for this which the children really enjoy. Please log into TTRockstars where games have been set for the children to practise their times tables facts. Regular times tables and division facts practise is crucial for the retention of these important facts.
In RE, the children will continue to explore how and why Christians support certain charities and world organisations such as Fair Trading. We will look at Bible quotes that inspire this charitable work and see if they are still relevant today. Mrs Judge will visit us again to teach the children their German lesson. So far they have learnt how to say hello, goodbye, my name is.... and numbers to ten. They have enjoyed singing happy birthday also. In History, we will explore where people who lived in the Stone Age lived and why. We will learn about their reasons for nomadic life, their temporary shelters and cave dwelling.
As always, please come and chat with me if you have any questions or concerns.
Many thanks
Mrs Rice and Mrs Brennan