Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 7:59pm
Next week is Nursery Rhyme Week in Owls class to celebrate world Nursery Rhyme week.
We will be taking part in a range of activities, including counting spiders from Incy Wincy and sharing out of bags of wool from baa baa black sheep!
Our number of the week is 6. We are continuing to have a big focus on forming numbers correctly and looking at a set of objects and knowing how many there are (up to 4 objects) without counting.
I am so proud of how well the children are getting on with their red tricky words. These are words that can't be sounded out so need to be learnt by sight, I will send home a list of the first set of red words we are working on in class.
We are having a real focus on writing our round letters and will be sending home a sheet for the children to practise.
This week, singing practice is beginning for our Christmas play. We are so excited!
As always, thank you for your continued support and please ask if you are unsure of anything or if we can help in anyway.
Mrs Campion & Mrs Hoskins