Date: 3rd Oct 2019 @ 12:45pm
A big thank you to everyone who came to join us for our Harvest festival and our come and join us session. It was wonderful to see so many of you.
In Literacy, the children will be designing a nightime snack for Mr Bear and begin to add labels. We will be reading a book called 'Homes' by Carson Ellis and the children will design their own home. If you have any pictures of your home that you would like to send in that would be wonderful.
In Maths, we will b revisiting the numbers we have learnt so far with a focus on number 2. We will b looking at the word pair and what it means, sorting pairs of socks in the home corner, finding 1 more and one less and much more.
We will be learning about nocturnal animals and what the word nocturnal means.
Owls class are collecting natural resources including things like buttons, pebbles, conkers and shells. If you can help in anyway it would be greatly appreciated.
Have a fantastic week.