Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 5:42pm
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Good morning gorgeous Goldfinches. I hope you enjoyed your zoom call with Mrs Whittingham yesterday and enjoyed your school jobs.
Remember to upload your work on the Homework part of School Spider (there is one for maths and one for writing) so I can give you some individual feedback. If you want to chat to your friends, you can use the discussion part.
Today’s worship is from Open the Book. Today’s story is The Long Journey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHu_5K9M2SQ&feature=emb_title
Can I subtract lengths? Click on the link below for Mrs Evans’ lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnqXxUzB4eM
If you want to print out the maths worksheet to write on, it is attached below.
Times Tables
Have another go at the grid challenge today. Have a go with the level 3 challenge. https://www.transum.org/Tables/Square.asp and perhaps even try challenge 4. I have attached a paper copy of the grid if you would prefer.
Last week, me and Toby found this brilliant times tables puzzle which really got us thinking https://www.transum.org/Tables/Convoluted.asp
Adventure to Ancient Greece. Can I understand the information in a text? Click on the link for Mrs Evans’ writing lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ati0R7gAdmY
Dictionary work: https://kids.britannica.com/kids/browse/dictionary
If you want to print it, there is a copy of the text attached for today’s lesson and will also be used in the following few lessons.
Have a lovely read today Goldfinches. I have enjoyed our Zoom book club chats so much recently and it makes me so proud to hear what a love of reading and books so many of you have.
We are learning words from the Y3/4 Statutory word list.
This week, choose 2 or 3 of these words each day and add them to your own spelling doodle.
You can also play games with these words. Choose the games with the FREE red star
Story time- More from Charlotte’s Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m2k-0Jz100
Kidz bop today: This is a great collection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-XaED3AFR8
· Draw a ‘Don’t drop litter’ poster and display in a window at school or at home · Upcycle a plastic bottle into something new.
· Design a new anti-littering slogan and logo for fast food, soft drinks or PPE litter · Interview an older person to ask them about their thoughts on if the amount of litter is increasing. (perhaps via zoom from home and the findings put into a document)
Have a great day Goldfinches
Love from Mrs Evans and Miss Randles xx