Friday 22nd May
Date: 17th May 2020 @ 10:27pm
Hello and Happy Friday to Team Goldfinch.
On Monday, Toby had a Zoom Beavers meeting where he learned to make a cake in a mug. As it is Hot Chocolate Friday... maybe you could ask an adult to help you to make a cake in a mug today! (Ingredients list attached)
Mrs Brennan has found some delicious looking rainbow kebabs. The salad one reminds me of how much fun we had together making Greek Salads and I would love to try to make the fruit one. If you have a go, pop a picture on Twitter or e-mail a photo for me to share on the blog!
This would be lovely with Pitta bread and humous!
Which fruits do you recognise?
A real sweet treat!
Yesterday our Sports Day challenge was to run on the spot for as long as possible- this ended up being quite a long time as we did it in the paddling pool! We also had to count how many times we could do the Dab in 30 seconds and create an obstacle course. I was amazing at the Dab!!!!
Who had a go at the Volcano Quiz in Wednesday's Blog? I have attached the answers if you would like to see how much volcanic knowledge you have!
One of our gorgeous Goldfinches was inspired to write her own verse of the 'Magic Box' poem. Here it is, it's brilliant:
School Jobs:
English: Have a go at these possessive apostrophe activities.
Reading: Curl up in a cosy sopt with a book of your choice. Or have a look at this week's Picture News (attached)