Friday 22nd May
Date: 21st May 2020 @ 5:00pm
Good Morning Owls and Happy Friday!
Hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday. I am enjoying going on my daily walks and discovering places that I didn't even know existed right by where I live. I am going into school today and hoping to ring some of your grown ups at home that I missed last week. it is lovely to hear how you are all doing and all the things you are enjoying at home.
Here is another special video for you today from everyone at school. I hope you like it! We love thinking of different ways we can let you all know we are thinking of you and missing you.
It is hot chocolate Friday and I have attached a recipe for a cake in a mug if you would like to try it today.
I love seeing all of your 60 second challenges and how competitive you are! You are all super quick and it is great to see you continuing to try and not give up if something is tricky. Here is one you might enjoy today it is called catch and clap. Here is the link for lots more ideas if you would like to carry on next week.
Have a day off from online Maths today and if you would like to do some Maths why not practise writing out your numbers. Remember how we were working really hard to make sure they are all facing the right way. I have also attached the outdoor maths ideas that you might want to try.
Next week is the half term holiday so I will not be writing everyday but I will check in with you all on Monday to give you some fun activities that you may want to do to keep busy.
Over the holidays, if you would like to do some reading there are some wonderful online stories that you can listen to. All you have to do is scan the code (remember the QR codes that we did in class) and it takes you straight to the story. I have included the ones for our age groups and more can be found on this website
I hope you all gave a wonderful weekend and I will be in touch on Monday with some ideas for next week. Sending you virtual hugs and hope to see you all soon. We miss you and remember we are so proud of you all. You are such superstars!
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x