Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Friday 27th March

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 8:35pm

Happy Friday to all my lovely Goldfinches and your families.

Well what a strange week this has been! I'm sure you have spent most of it outside enjoying the warmth and sun- I know we certainly have.

Yesterday we went for a walk (keeping a good distance away from other people) and we all really noticed the beautiful sounds of the birds. Hardly any cars, trains and planes. Peaceful.

We  tried out Go Noodle and did some Zumba sessions which were really good fun. I think I went wrong a lot, but never mind as I danced like nobody was watching! 

Toby did a fantastic job mending the Bug Hotel. He was really pleased to find some bugs living in there so he decided to make a block graph to record who and how many. This then gave him the idea of investigating a different part of the garden (a bush) and making another block graph to compare. I was so proud of him! This could be something you do for our Habitats Science work.

The girls got started on their Fairy Garden and also enjoyed making a start on their River Topic collages using the power point to help them (see attachment) They decided to do a little bit today and then do more next time and this is what they look like so far:


Mrs Powell told the teachers today that when it is our next turn to be in school, we can give everyone in our classes a quick phone call to say hello and see how you all are which I'm really looking forward to. laugh

School Jobs

Reading Journal activities: If you have been reading over the past week (which I know you are all absolutely wonderful at doing) then why not have a go at one of the reading journal activities (the sheet is in your Home Pack). Choose one to do and highlight it when you have finished. Over the next few weeks you could choose different activities to have a go at.

Maths  Have a go at some times table activities like Topmarks 'Hit the Button' or TT Rock Stars. In your pack there is an 11x table sheet which I want you to start working through. (Fold the answers back and start with Bronze just like we do in class.  https://www.timeme.com/count-up-timer.htm  this is the link to the UpTimer we use too.

Enjoy your Friday - remember your mindfulness jars when you want some calm time or time to just relax.

You are all amazing and I'm so proud of you all. Be good, be helpful and be kind.

Mrs Evans, Mrs Brennan and Mrs O'Marah

Message from Mrs Powell

“The most wonderful thing about Tiggers is, I’m the only one.” Tigger

Good morning children! This morning I want you to think about how special and unique you are. Talk to someone in your house about all the special qualities that make you unique. What about the people you live with? what makes them special? why don’t you tell them!

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