Friday 5th June
Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 7:41am
Hi Robins and a huge happy Friday to you all J
It’s the weekend!! Another week down which means another week closer to being back together again! I just want to say well done my lovely Robins – I know it’s not easy being stuck at home for all this time but just remember you are keeping others, and most importantly, yourselves safe. You certainly will be remembered as heroes for years to come and I am extremely proud of you!
Miss Thwaites has been busy creating another Lostock Lockdown video for you all. Thank you to those who sent in lovely photos. You can watch part 2 here:
Let’s start our Friday as usual with some happy thoughts… What are you grateful for? What has made you smile this week? What have you achieved? Write them down or share them with somebody in your house.
Thank you to everyone who has shared photos with me on Twitter this week – I have loved seeing what you have been up to and your lovely smiling faces!
Our timetable and task list is linked below for some suggested activities.
You should have received an email this week regarding how we intend to further develop our home learning. One way we are doing this is by providing the children with a platform to ask their teacher questions and receive feedback on their work. We will be doing this through the ‘Discussions’ tool on the pupil VLE on our school website. I will be starting our first class discussion on Monday and look forward to chatting to you all and seeing what you have been up to. I have attached the guide to support you getting set up on our discussions, but f you need any further help, please just email. We also have new home learning packs available on requests for those who would like one. Again, just email if you are interested J
Have a lovely weekend Robins! Sending you all big hugs and lots of love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
Smile, it’s Summer
Scientists have discovered that colours can make us feel certain emotions:
- White makes us feel cold.
- Red makes us feel warm or angry.
- Blue makes us feel cool or peaceful.
- Orange makes us feel warm or happy.
- Green makes us feel calm and peaceful.
- Black makes us feel sad.
- Yellow makes us feel happy and full of laughter.
When the sun comes out, people often say that they feel happier. Whatever the weather is like, though, we can all make people feel happy by the way we look at them. An unknown poet said, ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’ In other words, even if we can’t speak someone’s language, we can still let them know that we care by ‘speaking’ to them with a smile.
Think about people who make you happy. Think about their faces. When you think about them, do they look sad, angry or happy? If they make us happy, they will probably be smiling in our thoughts.
How does it make you feel if someone looks angry? How does it make you feel when someone smiles at you?
Today, why not decide to smile at people so that you can bring sunshine to their lives and make them feel happy? Remember: ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’
Dear God,
Thank you for all the people who bring me happiness.
I think especially of… (pause for the children to fill in the names).
Please help me to bring happiness to others, too.
Thank you that I can create happiness by something as simple as a smile.