Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Goldfinches WB 1.11.21

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 6:55pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

We are so proud of the stories and timeline work Goldfinches have produced this week.

 Star of the week goes to: Jessica

 Top Table award goes to: Yara

Please remember Friday 22nd  and Monday 1st November are INSET days.

Worship: This week in worship we have continued to explore our Christian Value of friendship and have reflected by thinking of a peaceful place where we can be calm and speak to God.

Next Week:

Reading and Writing: This week the children have impressed me so much with their stories based on Gorilla. I have really enjoyed watching them read their plans and ideas to each other and give positive feedback. After half term we will begin to explore our new text. (No spoilers yet though!)

Reading homework- I am encouraging the children to choose from a range of books around the classroom. We currently have a lovely collection of Anthony Browne’s picture books, a range of Greek non-fiction books, and myths, Science sound books as well as the wide range of story books which the children are all welcome to borrow and read at home.

Spelling homework: No new words over half term but if you want to continue to practice, we will be testing the set of Y3/4 statutory words on Friday 5th November:

breathe, build, busy, business, calendar, caught, centre, certain, accidentally, answer, bicycle

We have loved making posters to help us practice our tricky words this week.

Maths: Maths with Mrs Evans will focus on counting in 25’s and negative numbers.

On our Maths day (Thursday 4th November) we will explore perimeter in lots of different practical ways.

Times Tables Homework:


Try Hit the Button and choose the division 6x table facts to help prepare for our Gold x6 tables test.

Have a go at Tommy’s Trek to help practice your times tables. https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/318/Tommys-Trek-Times-Tables

Science: We will begin our new Teeth topic

History and Geography: We will explore artefacts and discover what they can tell us about the Ancient Greek civilisation. We will discuss the difference between real and replica.

PE: We will start Dance on Wednesday afternoons and Netball with Mr Ault on Fridays.

PSHCE: We will begin our new Heart Smart focus: Don’t forget to let love in.

Music: We will begin to learn the words to the songs for Hoodwinked.

We hope you have a restful week off and look forward to seeing you back on Tuesday 2nd November.

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Mrs Shimmin.

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