Goldfinches WB 12.12.22
Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 9:40pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
What an absolutely incredible performance from each and every one of our gorgeous Goldfinches!
Friday Superstar: Daisy
Top Table: Freddie and Matthew
This week we have:
… performed like superstars! Each and every one of our Goldfinches shone on stage, had so much fun and made us proud. We enjoyed making Christmas crafts and creating beautiful cards in our art lessons. We have done our best piece of writing so far in Year 4 with our diaries based on Leon and the Place Between.
Next week we will:
Enjoy many more Christmas celebrations.
Monday: This is Mrs Judge’s last day with Goldfinches before she leaves. We will have our Christmas Story worship in church with Vicar Andrew. Today is also non-uniform day in exchange for cakes/biscuits/treats for the school fair.
Tuesday: It’s off to the Panto we go. (In school by 8.50am at the latest please) then afterwards we have our school Christmas fair from 2.30pm.
Thursday: Carol service in church. Carols on the playground from 2.30pm for parents/family members.
Friday: Christmas jumpers- just for fun today! School finishes at 1pm.
PSHCE: We will be focusing on the theme of friendship in our No Outsiders lesson this week.
Music: Goldfinches’ last Ukulele lesson until later in the year.
Maths: Learning more Roman Numerals and solving Christmas themed puzzles.
Spellings: No spellings set this week- it’s Christmas! (If you do feel the urge to practise, please look back at the spelling lists in your child’s diary and choose the tricky ones)
Reading homework: We hope you all enjoy curling up with a book over the next few weeks. Please continue to support your child’s love of reading and the chance to disappear into another world whilst they do!
Times tables: If you want to practise any tables, we will be having a big focus on the 3x table in the first few weeks back after Christmas. Use hit the button, coconut multiples, Maths Frame times tables check games to support you.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child. 01606668270
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.