Goldfinches WB 13.2.23
Date: 13th Feb 2023 @ 7:37pm
Apologies for the delay in this week's blog but the whole School Spider server went down last week and we were unable to post our blog.
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
We have enjoyed lots of different mental health activities
Friday Superstar: Amber
Top Table: Lexi and Daisy
This week we have:
… enjoyed lots of different activities to support our mental health. Stories, art work, yoga, gratitude notes, passing the smile, giving someone a compliment and receiving one back, connecting with each other and the world, finding signs of spring and enjoying our school grounds.
Next week we will:
Writing: plan and write our final story from Escape from Pompeii. I am really looking forward to these as the children have been so immersed in the story.
Spellings: Spellings from the Y3/4 statutory list.
Words for the test on Friday 17TH Feb: century, circle, certain, complete, continue, consider, describe, decide, different, difficult.
Reading: We will read and retrieve key information from the text using subheadings, diagrams and sections and use this to retrieve and explain.
Reading homework: Please continue to support your child’s love of reading and the chance to disappear into another world whilst they do! Please sign when your child had read independently and comment when they have read aloud to you.
Maths: We will develop our skills of methods of solving correspondence problems and develop our ability to work logically.
Times tables: We are continuing to work on our times tables every day by using games, online games, worksheets and tests in class.
Please continue to support your child to learn their tables fluently in order, out of order and know the division facts for the 2, 5, 10, 4, 8, 3 and 6 times tables.
Please ensure your child uses this game at least a couple of times a week to get used to speed and time limits and prepare them for the online check.
Other fun games to try:
PE: This will be on Mondays and Fridays for the next half term. Indoor gymnastics on Monday and outdoor (where weather permits) Team building and tactics games on Fridays.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child. 01606668270
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Evans, Miss Wilkinson, Miss Nelson and Mrs Simmonds.