Goldfinches WB 13.6.22
Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 4:28pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
A wonderful week back for everyone. Well done!
Friday Superstar: Willow
Top Table children: Lily and Jessica
This week: Extra PE session on Wednesday morning. Please send your child in their PE kit.
Mrs Evans is teaching on Monday instead of Mrs Judge and we will be working together to prepare our class worship to share our learning about Global Neighbours with other classes in school.
Writing: We will learn to write sentences which have impact and grab the reader’s attention, learn to write sub headings to introduce different paragraphs and writing a mini report about sloths.
Reading: We will learn about the courageous advocate Wangari Maathai and compare her actions to those of Isatou Ceesay. We will learn how speech bubbles, paragraphs, sub-headings and images are used to enhance the readers’ understanding of the text.
Reading homework- Please continue to support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily and to sign their diary.
Spelling homework: This week’s words are words with the ‘shun’ sound spelt ‘tion’
Spellings: fiction, caution, option, position, solution, imagination, introduction, pollution, operation, production
Maths: we will continue to learn about tenths and make the link to division by 10.
Times Tables Homework:
Our Multiplication Tables Check is coming soon in June and we have been working hard in class to practise using lots of games. Please support your child to practise daily at home:
Maths Frame Multiplication check mirrors the national test and gives the children 25 questions with 6 seconds to answer each one. It can be any fact up to 12x12
Also use TTRockstars to help you practice
Or Hit the Button and Coconut multiples are always good fun and support quick thinking skills:
Science: We will be recapping food chains using the book ‘pond Circle’ and applying this knowledge to food webs.
Geography and Worship: We will combine our understanding of forests, deforestation and climate change and what solutions we can use to Make One Change and share this with other classes during our Class worship on Monday.
PE: Monday and Friday with an extra session on Wednesday this week -We will learn our dance for Hoodwinked and play striking and fielding games.
PSHCE: We will read our next No Outsiders book.
Music: We will continue to prepare a performance of ‘Lean On Me’ and learn to use the Glockenspiels as an accompaniment. We will remind ourselves of the Hoodwinked songs.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child. Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge.