Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Goldfinches WB 17.10.22

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 4:32pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Wow! A whole half term almost complete! We have done so much learning and are really beginning to show how grown up we are. 


Friday Superstar: Amber

Top Table: Logan and Bobby V

This week we have:

…enjoyed using a speech sandwich to write a conversation between Hannah and the Gorilla! We made super progress in recalling our 4x table facts both in and out of order. We had fun comparing the pitch of different thicknesses of elastic bands during science. Played along to Mamma Mia with the glockenspiels and discovered where in the world Greece and that it is made up of so many islands! A huge well done to everybody who is working hard at home on their reading, spelling and times tables. Remember little and often is the key to improving your learning.

Parents’ evening: Please sign up for a slot on either Wednesday 19th or Thursday 20th October. If you would prefer a phone call, please contact school and we will arrange a call on a separate evening.

Harvest: Thank you for all of your harvest donations so far. If you would like to make a Harvest donation to the Food Bank, the following items are currently in short supply and would be greatly appreciated: rice pudding, jam, long life fruit juice, tinned fruit, jelly, tea bags, custard, tins and mashed potatoes. Our donations will be delivered to the local food bank. We look forward to seeing anyone who can make it at our service in Church on Monday 17th October.

Next week we will:

Writing: we will use Gorilla for inspiration to write our own animal fantasy stories.

Reading: We will continue to read and discuss stories from ‘A World Full of Animal Stories’ and understand how using inference (the facts from the text + our knowledge of the world) can help us understand what we are reading.

Reading homework: Please comment in your child’s diary when they have read aloud to you and sign when they have read independently to themselves. Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling: Our spelling focus this week is words with the suffix ‘ly’ and the effect on the y ending where the y changes to ily and ally.

Spellings to learn for our test on Friday 21st October: happily, sleepily, cosily, cheekily, angrily, breezily, heavily, basically, frantically, magically.

We have used look, cover, write, spell and check to help us practice.

Maths:  We will continue to consolidate the 4 times table and focus on using prior facts to help us learn it out of order and know the associated division facts. We will learn to round numbers to the nearest 1000, 100 and 10.

Maths Homework:  Have a go at the online game ‘Happy Burger’ to practise your 4x table and build some delicious burgers.

Complete the division by 4 sheet. You can use the 100 square to help you if you colour in the multiples of 4 first.

PE: Our PE day is Friday morning. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.     01606668270

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.

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