Goldfinches WB 18.10.21
Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 8:05pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
What a wonderfully busy week! We had so much fun and learned so much new knowledge during our Greek day.
Star of the week goes to: Beth
Top Table award goes to: Hetty
Please remember school finishes for half term on Thursday 21st October as Friday 22nd is an INSET day.
Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school and is bringing water and not juice to dring throughout the day.
Worship: This week in worship we have continued to explore our Christian Value of friendship by making friendship paper chains and discussing the artwork of Mary and Martha by the artist He Qi. We have reflected by thinking of a peaceful place where we can be calm and speak to God.
Forest Schools: We had a wonderful time in our outdoor learning last Friday when we made God’s Eyes. I saw so much perseverance and enjoyment.
School Council: We had our first class council meeting lead by our newly elected councillors (Beth and Taylor) to share ideas about what is working well and ideas of what could be even better.
Next Week:
Reading and Writing: This week we have written our speech sandwich using the correct speech punctuation and have enjoyed writing a setting description for the café Hannah and Gorilla visit. We have started to plan our own story based on Gorilla.
Reading homework- I am encouraging the children to choose from a range of books around the classroom. We currently have a lovely collection of Anthony Browne’s picture books, a range of Greek non-fiction books, and myths, Science sound books as well as the wide range of story books which the children are all welcome to borrow and read at home.
Spelling homework: This week’s words are Y3/4 Statutory words:
breathe, build, busy, business, calendar, caught, centre, certain, accidentally, answer, bicycle
(Some of the trickier spellings have been repeated from earlier in the term)
Maths: Monday maths with Mrs Judge will continue to explore 2D shapes and their properties. Maths with Mrs Evans will focus on rounding to the nearest 1000, solving rounding problems, counting in 25’s and we will make a link with the BC part of the timeline with negative numbers.
Times Tables Homework:
For mixed Times table practise use TTRock Stars or Maths Frame Multiplication Table Check
How did you get on with the new game: birds vs robots? Here is the link again:
RE: We will prepare and perform our Harvest Poems.
Science: This week we will be continuing to explore pitch.
History and Geography: We will reflect on the learning from our knowledge-packed Greek day and will place the Ancient Greek civilisation on the timeline to identify where it fits in with the other civilisations.
PE: Our final cricket session will be on Wednesday afternoon.
PSHCE: We are learning to ‘Get Heart Smart’ where we consider the importance of our feelings, the effect of kindness and being kind to ourselves.
Music: We will continue to focus on rhythm and pace in our warm up games and appraise a new Abba song.
German: We will be learning how to introduce ourselves in German and ask someone their name.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.
Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Mrs Shimmin.