Goldfinches WB 24.1.22
Date: 19th Jan 2022 @ 9:25pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
Goldfinches have worked very hard this week.
Well done my lovely flock of superstars.
Friday Superstar: Tilly
Top Table: Gracie and Hannah
This week:
Worship: We have learned about Agents of Hope and the kindness people have shown- particularly during times of Lockdown and isolation. We have discussed how we can all be Agents of Hope. We have also shared ideas with Ethos group to help them write a new school prayer
Writing: We will learn about the present perfect tense and how to use it in our writing within the theme of Escape from Pompeii and recap the use of commas in a list of adjectives.
Reading: We will look at how different features of non-fiction texts help us to understand what we are reading: words in bold, labels, diagrams, captions, colour, headings and subheadings.
Reading homework- I have been so impressed with so many more Goldfinches recording their reading and sharing lovely little snippets of their reading with me. Keep up the great work.
Spelling homework: This week’s spellings are from the Y3/4 statutory word list
This week’s words: experiment, extreme, famous, favourite, February, forwards, fruit, grammar, group
Maths: We will continue to apply our knowledge of addition and subtraction to word problems. Mrs Judge will continue our work on coordinates.
Times Tables Homework:
Have a go at using MATHSFRAME to begin to get used to the way the multiplication tables check will be carried out later in the year.
Try times tables memory to practise 9x and 7x times tables
RE: we will learn about what happens in a mosque.
Science: We will learn about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet and what each type of food is important for within our bodies.
History and Geography: We will use atlas and mapping skills to identify the countries and capital cities the Romans would have travelled through in order to conquer Britain.
PE: Monday and Friday- Mr Ault Team-building and Dodgeball. Thursday- Swimming
PSHCE: We will discuss marriage through reading our No Outsiders book ‘King and King’.
Music: We will continue to learn Ukulele.
German: We will learn the days of the week.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss your child. Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge