Goldfinches WB 27.09.21
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 9:03pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
We have had a hardworking week with lots of great focus and concentration in lessons.
Star of the week goes to: James
Top Table award goes to: Esmae
Worship: This week in worship we have continue to focus on our Christian Value of Friendship and have enjoyed discussion, practical and reflective activities based around this theme. We loved reading the No Outsiders book ‘Red’ which linked beautifully with the theme of friendship. It was wonderful to be back in the hall for Mrs Powell’s Monday worship as well as Open the Book.
Tuesday 28th I look forward to our parent-teacher appointment phone calls. Thank you to all who have booked phone calls. If you haven’t yet done so, please book a slot via the school office.
Next Week:
Reading and Writing: We will take on the role of Hannah, the main character in our Gorilla story, and write a diary entry.
Reading homework- I’m so impressed by how many children are reading regularly at home. Please continue to support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily and to sign their diary.
Spellings: This week’s words are taken from the Y3/4 Statutory spelling list (first column)
accident, accidental, accidentally, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath
Maths: Maths with Mrs Evans will focus on reading and placing numbers on a number line to 10,000 and learning Roman Numerals. We will continue to work on arithmetic activities on some afternoons and will work on our times tables daily.
Times Tables Homework: We have made 6x table flick flack fortune tellers this week which you can use at home to help practise.
If you like a sing song try this
The children have also all got their TTRockstars logins stuck in the front of their diaries.
Computing: We will begin our new computing unit ‘My Very Own Game’ where we will be designing a prototype of a new game.
Science: This week we will be predicting which instrument makes the loudest sound and recording the results using a data-logger.
History: We will learn about the sources of evidence of story-telling and legend to find out about Ancient Greek and listen to the story of The Trojan Horse.
Geography: We will begin to work in groups to research the geographical features of modern Greece.
PE: We will enjoy cricket on Wednesdays (until half term) and Gymnastics and team building games with Mr Ault on Fridays.
PSHCE: Our focus to begin the year is ‘Get Heart Smart’ and we will also be reading and exploring a range of No Outsiders books.
Music: We loved our music lesson this week and had a great sing along to Abba. More to come next week.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone
Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Mrs Shimmin.