Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Goldfinches WB 28.2.22

Date: 17th Feb 2022 @ 6:37pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Another wonderful week! We have loved seeing the children use their knowledge and imagination to immerse themselves into the characters of Pompeii in AD79!

Friday Superstar: Harriet

Top Table: Tilly and Erica

This week:

Worship: We have listened to the story of the Good Samaritan and reflected on how we can look after all of our neighbours.

After Half Term:

TRIP DAY- Tuesday 1st March is our trip to Chester Grosvenor Museum. As part of the day will be outside, please ensure your child wears warm, comfortable footwear and warm tracksuit bottoms with their school uniform polo shirt and jumper. I would recommend a warm, waterproof coat, hat and gloves. Please send a snack and water bottle as well as either a packed lunch, or a pre-ordered school packed lunch.

World Book Day- Wednesday 2nd March. Your child can choose to dress up as a character from a book or wear their own clothes.

Writing: We have completed our wonderful Escape from Pompeii recounts this week. We will focus on poetry and will enjoy celebrating world book day. 

Reading: We will enjoy poetry and will complete our reading about volcanoes.

Reading homework- There are more and more of my lovely flock of Goldfinches who are working hard to meet my challenge. I’m so proud of the reading you are doing regularly at home. Keep up the great work!

Spelling homework:  This week’s spellings are words with the sound k spelt que:

Spellings: unique, cheque, antique, grotesque, boutique, picturesque, plaque, arabesque, mosque, opaque


Maths: Monday with Mrs Judge will be focusing on perimeter and Maths with Mrs Evans will continue with our new focus of multiplication.

Times Tables Homework:

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/times-tables/coconut-multiples have another go playing coconut multiples 7x tables this week.


Use MATHSFRAME to begin to get used to the way the multiplication tables check will be carried out later in the year.


Try times tables memory to practise 9x and 7x times tables


RE: We will begin our focus on Salvation in Christianity.

History/Geography: Our trip to Chester will immerse us into the world of Romans and we will reflect on our learning in our lesson later in the week.

PE: Monday and Friday- Mr Ault Hockey, Gymnastics and agility. Thursday- Swimming will continue until Easter.

Music: We will continue to learn Ukulele.

German: We will learn some classroom commands.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss your child.

Have a lovely, restful and safe half term,

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge

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