Goldfinches WB 28.6.21
Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 10:19pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
What another wonderful week of learning.
Star of the week goes to: Lola and Anthony
Top Table award goes to: Isabella
The Makers of History company gave us full day of fun-packed learning on Wednesday where Goldfinches had chance to act in role, investigate, play games, become musicians, try out weapons, juggle with peacock feathers and armour, learn how and why the Roman Army was so successful with their organisation, marches and battle formations and make Roman or Celt art out of clay.
I am so proud of how respectful, polite and enthusiastic our lovely Goldfinches were to our Historians and I can’t quite believe just how much learning we packed into one day! I tried to tweet as much as I could!
I am also proud of how hard our Goldfinches have worked in their assessments this week.
In worship this week we have been discussing Rosie’s Dolls through the theme of No Outsiders.
English- We will begin our new story this week. It’s a lovely one!
Spellings- we will be focusing on words with double consonants.
Our words this week are: shattered, giggly, collector, wettest, fitter, travelled, , fizzing, stopped, planning, terrify
Please work with your child to ensure he or she understands the meanings of the words and can use them in a sentence as well as being able to spell them. There are different suggestions of activities to do each week to support practising the spellings.
Reading- We will begin our new reading text for shared reading as we begin our new writing text.
Maths- we have learned about equivalent fractions and have begun to simplify fractions. We will continue to work on fractions with addition and subtraction.
We completed our trial of the Multiplication Tables Check App this week but will continue to work on our times tables in preparation for moving into Year 5. Please keep going with TTRockStars, Coconut Multiples and Hit the Button.
Science- we have begun to compare the properties of solids, liquids and gases in our new ‘Changing State’ topic.
RE- We enjoyed working together to act out the story of The Parting of the Red Sea.
History - we began investigating the chronology of the Roman Empire and the arrival of the Romans in Britain to create our own Roman timelines.
German- This week we learned how to ask each other our age and give and answer.
‘Wie alt bist du?’
‘Ich bin acht jahre alt.’ or ‘ Ich bin nein jahre alt.’
PE- We are looking forward to our Sport’s Day. We know this will be quite different to our usual events, however we are determined to make it the best we can, act as fantastic sports people and be wonderful spectators for each other.
You are always welcome to contact me with any questions you have about your child.
Mrs Evans