Goldfinches WB 29.11.21
Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 8:57pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
Well done to all our hard workers this week.
Friday Super Star goes to: Connor
Top Table award goes to: Beth
Please note PE days this week are Tuesday and Friday
Worship: This week in worship we have focused on the story of Moses and the Burning Bush and what we can learn today from it.
Next Week:
Mrs Judge will be teaching in Year 5 so Mrs Evans will be in class on Monday.
Reading and Writing: This week we have been including a wider range of conjunctions (as, while, when, although, because) in our descriptive writing. Next week we will recap noun phrases and use them to help make rich and varied language choices.
Reading homework- Keep diving into these lovely books from school! We have so many wonderful choices. We are encouraging the children to read for 15 minutes every day at home
Spelling homework: This week our spelling rule is adding the ‘ious’ suffix
This week’s words: vicious, suspicious, curious, serious, obvious, anxious, tedious, furious, devious, oblivious
Maths: This week we have continued our investigation into Roman Numerals and have used our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to add and subtract 3-digit numbers. We have added and subtract near multiples of 10 and 100 by adjusting. Next week we will explore adding 1, 10, 100 and 1000 to 4 digit numbers and will begin to recap the column methods of addition.
Times Tables Homework:
Try Hit the Button and choose the division 6x table facts to help prepare for our Gold x6 tables test which lots of children are now working on. The next times tables will be 9x tables.
Have a go at Coconut multiples this week to help you practise
Science: We have discovered what happens to a tooth left in acid and recorded the results. Following this we planned our own investigation into the effects of different drinks on our teeth. We chose to leave boiled eggs in coke, Lucozade, fresh orange juice, dilute cordial and sugar free lemonade. We will find out the results next week as well as exploring the different parts of the digestive system and their functions.
Geography: We will continue to map where the Ancient Greek Empire spread to in Europe.
History: We will learn about Alexander the Great by researching the question: ‘How Great was Alexander the Great?’
Art: We have continued to practise sketching a human figure in proportion and extended this to figures who are moving. We created our own Greek pots to tell our own Legacy. We have also enjoyed making wreathes for our Christmas crafts.
PE: Mr Ault will teach Netball on Wednesday and Friday this week. Please remember to tie long hair back and remove earrings on PE days.
PSHCE: Our Heart Smart focus is: Don’t forget to let love in.
Music: We are enjoying learning the words to the songs for Hoodwinked.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss your child. Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Mr Beswick.