Goldfinches WB 3.10.22
Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 4:30pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
Amazing teamwork this week.
Friday Superstar: Alexa, Naomi and Callum
Top Table: Nathan and Evan
This week we have:
…had a wonderful day at Petty Pool developing teamwork, leadership and friendship skills. We showed so much perseverance and patience and made Mrs Evans very proud. We have used our research to write and present a report on Gorillas in our very own mini book. We enjoyed visiting church for worship with Vicar Andrew.
Forest Schools: Our first forest school session will be the morning of Thursday 6th October. Please send your child in to school in old, warm clothes, old trainers/wellies and a waterproof coat. Please send in their uniform to change in to for the afternoon in case we end up very wet and muddy.
Harvest: Thank you for all of your harvest donations so far. If you would like to make a Harvest donation to the Food Bank, the following items are currently in short supply and would be greatly appreciated: rice pudding, jam, long life fruit juice, tinned fruit, jelly, tea bags, custard, tins and mashed potatoes. Our donations will be delivered to the local food bank.
Next week we will:
Writing: Use our book ‘Gorilla’ to explore moving adverbials of time, place and manner (e.g. later that night, beside the bed, curiously) to the front of our sentences to become fronted adverbials.
Reading: We will support your child to choose from our large collection of books to both in school and at home. Lots of children have enjoyed choosing from the recommended reads basket this week. We will continue to read and discuss stories from ‘A World Full of Animal Stories’ and use questions to support our understanding.
Reading homework: Hooray! Diaries have finally arrived! Please comment when your child has read aloud to you and sign when they have read independently to themselves. Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.
Spelling: Our spelling focus this week is the suffix ‘ture’.
We have learned to use a spelling doodle to help us practice (paper copy in your child’s bag)
Spelling words to learn for our test on Friday7th October:
picture, creature, nature, adventure, furniture, moisture, fracture, puncture, structure, temperature
Maths: We will continue to consolidate the 4x table and look at the links between the 2x and 4x facts using doubling and halving to help us.
Maths Homework: 4x table fortune teller game (paper copy in bags) and click on the link for this week’s online game: Number Diving. Use this to practice the 4x table and if you are really successful, add the 8x table.
PE: Our PE day is Friday morning. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child. 01606668270
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.