Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Goldfinches WB 3.2.22

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 8:19pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Gorgeous focus and concentration this week!

Friday Superstar: Destinee

Top Table: James and Jake

This week:

Worship: We have celebrated Chinese New Year and had the chance to reflect by making our own lanterns. We shared and compared a bible story and modern story about forgiveness.

Next Week:

Writing: we will build up our understanding of the present perfect tense, expanded noun phrases and the use of paragraphs to write a recount of the events in Pompeii in AD79.

Reading: We will answer retrieval questions, choose a section of the Volcanoes book to read and make up our own questions for.

Reading homework- Well done to all of the children who are working hard to meet my challenge. I’m so proud of the reading you are doing regularly at home.

Spelling homework:  This week’s spellings are a revision of words with double consonants in the middle. Have a go at playing the double consonants game!

This week’s words: shattered, giggly, collector, wettest, fitter, travelled, fizzing, stopped, planning, terrify

Maths: Monday with Mrs Judge will be learning about fractions of Kilometres and Maths with Mrs Evans will continue with our new focus of multiplication. We will recap multiplying by 1 and 0 and move on to multiplying by 10 and 100.

Times Tables Homework:

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/times-tables/coconut-multiples use coconut multiples to have a go at 7x tables this week.


Use MATHSFRAME to begin to get used to the way the multiplication tables check will be carried out later in the year.


Try times tables memory to practise 9x and 7x times tables


RE: We will learn about how belonging to a community is important to Muslims.

Science/DT: We will tinker with and explore what components are needed to make a simple working circuit.

Computing: In our e-safety lesson we will learn how to keep our data private and learn how to choose sensible passwords. Tuesday is National Online Safety day where we will have a visit from PCSO Phil.

History: We will place the stages of the Roman Empire on a timeline.

PE: Monday and Friday- Mr Ault Team-building and Dodgeball. Thursday- Swimming

Music: We will continue to learn Ukulele.

German: We will learn the seasons of the year.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss your child. Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge

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