Goldfinches WB 4.10.21
Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 8:32pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
We have had another fun and hardworking week with lots of great focus and concentration in lessons.
Star of the week goes to: Amy
Top Table award goes to: Taylor
Worship: This week in worship we have enjoyed a live lesson on Harvest which helped us to learn all about seasonal foods and where our food comes from. We thought about what we could learn from Adam and Eve during an Open The Book Assembly and we have discussed encouragement after being inspired by Hansle Parchment, the Jamaican athlete.
Next Week:
Friday 8th October- we will be celebrating World Mental Health Day by being our brightest green and what better way of doing this than having a Forest School Session. Your child will be in tracksuit and hoodie already as it is PE day but please also send in spare shoes and socks to change into and a coat in case of wet weather.
Reading and Writing: This week we have enjoyed making our own gorilla fact books. Next week we will take on the role of Hannah, the main character in our Gorilla story, and write a diary entry using fronted adverbials of time and manner. Our shared reading text will help support us to learn to draw inferences about a character and find the evidence in the text.
Reading homework- I’m so impressed by how many children are reading regularly at home. Please continue to support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily and to sign their diary.
Spelling homework: This week’s words are words with the prefix ‘auto’
Autograph, autopilot, automobile, automatic, autocue, autobiography, automated, auto bus
Maths: Monday maths with Mrs Judge will continue to explore 2D shapes and their properties. Maths with Mrs Evans will focus on finding 1000 more and less, comparing and ordering 4-digit numbers. We will continue to work on arithmetic activities on some afternoons and will work on our times tables daily.
Times Tables Homework:
If you like a sing song try this
For mixed Times table practise use TTRock Stars or Maths Frame Multiplication Table Check
Science: This week we will be investigating how sounds change as we move away from the source and will be measuring, recording and presenting the data we collect.
History: We will recap our knowledge of timelines and place the time periods we have already studied into the correct order as well as adding the new time period of Ancient Greece. We will use the terms BC, BCE, AD and CE.
PE: We will enjoy cricket on Wednesdays (until half term) and Gymnastics and team building games with Mr Ault on Fridays.
PSHCE: Our focus to begin the year is ‘Get Heart Smart’ and we will also be reading and exploring a range of No Outsiders books.
Music: We will continue our listening and appraisal of Abba songs.
German: This week we learnt lots of information about Germany and created a fact file.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.
Have a lovely weekend everybody,
Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Mrs Shimmin.