Goldfinches WB21.6.21
Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 9:43pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
What another hardworking week we have had whilst enjoying the fact that summer really is here! Once again, your Goldfinches have all made me so proud of their passion for learning.
Star of the week goes to: Mason M
Top Table award goes to: Francesca
Trip (in school) we are looking forward to having The Makers of History company on Wednesday for our experience going back in time to the Roman Empire.
In worship this week we have been discussing Global Goal 13- Climate Action. We have loved listening to Jack Johnson’s 3 Rs song to help us think about the actions we can take to recycle, reuse and reduce our waste. We watched the video which explains how to turn our old t-shirts into re-useable bags and look forward to doing this on Friday.
It was lovely to zoom call with our lovely Miss Randles for her last day of work before starting her maternity leave last week.
And.. what a lovely surprise visit we had from Rocky the parrot! A super start to our Thursday! Thank you Ryan and Ryan's mum!
English- I cannot be more proud of the enthusiasm, care and effort all of our lovely Goldfinches have put into their ‘best piece of writing yet’ in Y4. Our stories of ‘Escape to Pompeii’ are wonderful.
Spellings- we will be focusing on words from the 4th column of the Y3/4 words.
Our words this week are: minute, natural, naughty, notice, occasion, occasionally, often, opposite, ordinary, signature
Please work with your child to ensure he or she understands the meanings of the words and can use them in a sentence as well as being able to spell them. There are different suggestions of activities to do each week to support practising the spellings.
Reading- We have continued with our ‘Volcanoes’ book and have enjoyed using questioning strategies to form our own questions for each other to answer.
Maths- we have begun learning about decimal numbers and equivalent fractions and have really impressed Mrs Evans with our quick learning.
The Multiplication Tables Check App is coming up soon- we will be ready to have a go at the trial version by the 25th June.
The official Y4 multiplication check has been postponed until next year, however, as a school we have made the decision to trial it for ourselves this year. The game below is almost the same as the format for the multiplication check we will do in June. Please support your child to practise using this at home regularly alongside TTRock Stars
This week we will have a go at the official practise site to become familiar with how it works and what we have to do.
Science- we used our knowledge of classification keys to classify leaves and creating our own questions. We had a lovely walk in track time on Thursday to identify some of the trees in our school grounds
RE- Our RE topic is Judaism where we worked very hard to write about the Israelites on Monday.
History and Geography- we completed our inquiry about our big question: What Legacy was left by the Ancient Greek civilisation? by studying and researching different themes and sub-questions about Ancient Greece.
German- this week we will have enjoyed learning to ask ‘Wo wohnst du? (where do you live?).
PE- this half term will focus on Athletics and Striking and Batting games (rounders and cricket). It will continue to be on Monday and Friday afternoons. Please ensure your child wears the Lostock Gralam PE uniform and has long hair tied back and earrings removed or covered please.
Cricket club was very well attended. Please ensure that if your child is attending they wear their PE uniform, not their own clothes during the day and follow the same safety rules of bringing a hair band for long hair and taking earrings out/covering them with tape.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office if you want to discuss anything regarding your child.
Mrs Evans