Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Home Learning 12.1.21

Date: 11th Jan 2021 @ 6:05pm

Hello lovely Owls and welcome to another week of online learning.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a fantastic day of home learning with Mrs O'Marah yesterday.

Here are today's lessons:

RWI Phonics-See the PowerPoint attached where you will find the videos that you need to watch today. Remember, there are a few videos to watch so feel free to split them up and do them at different times during the day. Do whatever works best for you. Just a reminder that all videos are available from 9:30am onwards. Here is the link to the home page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ 

Superhero writing- See the Power point attached. I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. If you are unable to access the Power point please use the video link.
I have included the RWI mat to help you with letter formation. Remember how important it is to form your letters correctly Owls class making sure you start and end your letter in the correct place.

Maths- Number formation-See the Power point attached. I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. If you are unable to access the Power point use the video link.

Funky Fingers- At school Funky Fingers is part of our routine so today I thought we could do some dough disco! If you do not have play dough do not worry you can take part without it. Enjoy excercising those fingers! Remember it is so important as strong fingers help with your writing. Here is a link for today's Funky Fingers activity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9D5lfqZF3o 

Worship- Here is the link for today's worship. I hope you enjoy the 'Open the Book' story. This is also your story for today. We really miss having 'Open the Book' in school. Today, it is the story 'The Storm on the Lake' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRd7-PaoUaI&feature=youtu.be

Grown ups- I am looking forward to calling all of you today at some point so I can check in and see how you are all getting on. I look forward to speaking with you.

Please continue to share all of your home learning by clicking reply with an observation at the bottom of the home learning page.

Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

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