Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Home Learning 13.1.21

Date: 12th Jan 2021 @ 7:50pm

Good Morning lovely Owls class,

Thank you for all of your hard work at home. You are making me so proud how hard you are working. Keep it up!

Here are today's lessons:

RWI Phonics- I have included the videos that you need to watch today. Remember, there are a few videos to watch so feel free to split them up and do them at different times during the day. Do whatever works best for you. Just a reminder that all videos are available from 9:30am onwards. Here is the link to the home page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ 

Set 1 videos: Set 1 Speed sound lesson, Set 1 Word Time Lesson and Set 1 Spelling Lesson. I have included a few extra challenge words on your slide today. These words have our special friends in. I wonder if you can have a go at reading them with your grown up? Here is the link for today's Power point https://youtu.be/DyNadwV89tU 

Set 3 videos: Set 3 Speed Sound Lesson, Set 3 Spelling Lesson, Read longer words video. https://youtu.be/3R-C0N_-8nM 

Topic- Today, we are going to do some Topic work. We will be learning all about jobs and which job you would like to do when you are a grown up. See the Power point attached. I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do.

Maths- Weight-See the Power point attached. I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. If you are unable to access the Power point use the video link.

Worship- Today for our worship, we would like you to take part in a guided meditation on My Smiling Mind, just like we do in school. Follow the link: https://app.smilingmind.com.au/ 

In order to access the resources at the link you will need to sign up to a free account (it only takes 2 minutes!) Once you have signed up, select the age category ‘12 and under’. Then you need to select which type of mindfulness activities you are interested in. Once finished, if you click the option to view all the programmes it will let you select resources for ‘3-6 year olds’ and you will now have access lots mindfulness sessions that are great to help you relax, unwind and switch off after a busy day of home learning.

Story time- I have included a link to a story for today. Hope you enjoy it. https://youtu.be/2EfDL__Aebs  Here is also a reminder of the login for Oxford Owl where you can access RWI books including blending books online. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students  Username owlsclass2021 Password: Owls2021

Please continue to share all of your home learning by clicking reply with an observation at the bottom of the home learning page.

Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x

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