Home Learning 20.04.20
Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 3:07pm
Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a relaxing couple of weeks off and are all looking after yourselves. Hasn’t the weather been so kind to us? I hope you have all managed to spend time outside in your garden or completing your daily exercise. Today would have been the day you would have been returning to school for the Summer term and I am very sad that we are still not all together yet, but I am still hopeful that it will not be long until we are reunited.
It has been lovely to see all the different learning you have been doing at home with your families and I am sure you are all showing your parents and siblings what fantastic learners you all are.
For today you should ease yourselves back into your home learning. I would like you to spend the morning looking at your timestables and going on times tables rockstars or completing your packs of flash cards. Complete some reading and share what you have been reading with a family member.
Please see the weekly timetable attached to this blog along with other documents that may be useful to you this week.
I know that it is getting very difficult and still feeling strange not being able to see certain family members and friends but it is very important that we still follow these guidelines. I am also missing my family and friends. I am beginning to create a list of what things I want to do when this all blows over. Could you create your own list maybe?
In my previous blogs I gave you a riddle each day to complete and I will continue to do so.
Today’s riddle: “I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?”
Message from Mrs Powell:
What have you learnt from someone around you? On our daily walk, I found out that my daughter is an expert on windfarms. What could you learn from someone? What could you teach someone?
"When you talk, you are only repeating something you know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.” – Dalai Lama
Take care and look after each other.
Miss Thwaites x