Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Home Learning 30.4.20

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 6:10pm

Hello everyone,

Today is Thursday which means it is tonight we will clap for our NHS and pay tribute towards all the frontline workers applaud them for their bravery at treating those who are unwell. Make as much noise as you can, get the pots and pans out! 

Continue working through your Maths work in your packs, why not focus on completing the maths mats made by First4Maths! These are such a brilliant resource and you can change the number in the star multiple times!

Last week my 6 month old puppy (Ruby) had her first haircut!!


Then she thought she would help me with some digging in my planters that I am trying to make. 

We have been looking at Relative clauses in school and we are aware of the relative pronouns that we can use. A relative clause adds extra infomation to a sentence to make it more complex. Have a go at following the link to recap this learning: https://www.thenational.academy/year-5/english/character-description-spag-focus-relative-clause-year-5-wk2-4


Todays’ riddle: I have two hands, but I can not scratch myself. What am I?

Yesterday’s answer: A hole

Message from Mrs Powell:

“It doesn’t matter who you are or what you like, as long as somebody loves you.” Roald Dahl


We always say that everyone is special and that we are all unique. During the past few months, you have been surrounded by love and we have all been reminded just how special those people around us are.  Who are you going to tell how special they are today?

Look after yourselves!

Miss Thwaites x

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