Home Learning 6.1.21
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:12am
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Good morning lovely Owls.
I am so sorry that I did not get to see you all on Monday but I heard that you all had such fun in the ice and snow! I will miss seeing you all very much but looking forward to seeing all the things you get up to at home.
Each day I will set you some activities that you can do at home. We will do Phonics everyday like we do in school and then there will be one other activity for you to do during the day. Each day we will do something different. Please remember to share what you do at home with me on Tapestry. It's a great way for us to keep in touch!
Our home learning Power points will be guided by a recording of my voice which will explain what to do (like I do each day in class). Just click on the little speaker icon on the power point page). Grown ups- If you have trouble accessing the sound on the Power points I have also included a video version of the Power point. You might just need to pause it at different parts.
Just like at school, remember to have your busy time between all of your hard work and choose what you would like to play with at home. At school, we have little bursts of learning, followed by times where we play because we know playing is learning!
RWI Phonics-See the PowerPoint attached for the links for today’s RWI lessons. You follow the different links on the Power point depending on what group you are in for Phonics which will take you to videos you can watch. There are several videos to watch. You may want to do them all together or to split them up and do them at different times during the day. Do whatever is best for you.
Maths-Shapes- See the Power point attached. See if you can collect some shapes from around the house and sort them.
Story-Every day in class we always share a story together. I have recorded a video to share. Hope you enjoy listening and discuss what happened with your grown up. What happened? Who are the main characters?
Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x