Home learning Week 2- 31.3.20
Date: 29th Mar 2020 @ 3:41pm
Hi Skylarks and parents,
I hope you have expanded your vocabulary knowledge during your history and geography research lesson yesterday!
Today's riddle: What goes up but never comes back down?
Yesterday's answer: nine!
Continue working through your learning packs and choose what you want to work more on and focus on that today.
Please keep up with your timestables, here is my challenge to you:
By the time we get back to school, I want you to have learnt all your times tables up to 12 x12!! Challenge yourself and learn them in different fun ways other than just TT Rockstars.
CREATE SOME FLASH CARDS. Have the times table written on the front and the answer on the back. If you get it right put into a pile. If you get it wrong put in a different pile. If it takes you longer than 10 seconds to answer put it in a middle pile. Keep repeating! Repetition makes you remember things!
See attached some cards that are already pre-made.
Message from Mrs Powell:
Dear children, When we do something do we say we can’t do it? Try and change that today and tell yourself you can do anything. Remember you are amazing and if you believe in yourself you can do anything!
“ I think I can. I know I can.”
Take care.
Miss Thwaites