Monday 1st June
Date: 31st May 2020 @ 7:18pm
Good Morning my lovely Owls and welcome to another new month! How is it June already?
Hope you had a wonderful half term. Hasn't the weather been gorgeous? We have spent most of the week in the garden and going on lovely walks together. I went into school last week and met Teddy. He is very cute and cuddly. He likes digging a lot.
This week, I thought we could do something a little bit different so each day we are going to have a different theme with some activities linked to it that you may like to do at home. Remember you do not need to do them all just choose the ones that you like the best! You might even think of your own ideas linked to our theme.
Today is Outdoor Monday. I have included a picture with some ideas for today. Please remember to share with us on Tapestry. We love seeing you!
A little while ago, I read one of my favourite stories to you 'The Snail and the Whale.' This week there are lots of lovely Maths activities linked to this story on the White Rose website. Here is the link if you would like to try some of them. On Iplayer you can watch an animated film of the story-
I have uploaded this weeks reading onto Tapestry for you.
I hope you have a brilliant day and enjoy some outdoor fun.
We miss you all and remember we are so proud of you all.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x