Monday 25th May
Date: 25th May 2020 @ 8:49am
Happy Half Term Owls.
Good Morning.
Hope you have all had a good weekend.
As we enter the start of what should be another half term, and we embark on another, tenth, week of lockdown, we wanted to thank you all for the amazing work you have done to keep your children safe, support their home learning, and communicate with us here at school. You have done an incredible job and we want to make sure that you are looking after your own mental health needs in this time of uncertainty.
It is important that we take some time to do something that will make us smile. That will make our children smile and that will bring us together at such a tricky time. So have a look below at some of our suggestions and choose one thing every day that brings happiness.
• Enjoy a yummy breakfast together; pancakes, boiled egg and soldiers, bacon sandwiches or maybe your favourite cereal.
• Have a carpet picnic, or a garden picnic at tea time
• Make something that shows off what makes you special for the school sharing window and deliver it to school on Monday or Wednesday this week.
• Draw a picture for somebody in one of our local care homes
• Tell us about something you have done in lockdown that you’ve never done before. Have you learnt to ride your bike, or tie your shoelaces? Have you baked bread for the first time? Have you planted some seeds and nurtured them into flowers?
• Talk about your favourite things to do and have a favourites day. Eat your favourite breakfast, listen to or dance to your favourite song, sing your favourite songs together, play your favourite game, watch your favourite movie or tv programme, read your favourite book or comic, wear your favourite outfit, arrange a video chat with your favourite friends or family member.
• Find a new way of hugging! Right now, hugging is a tricky thing because we have to keep our distance. Can you find a new way to send a hug to somebody? Perhaps send a postcard, or create a picture or video of you doing something funny/showing off a new skill.
• Facetime, zoom, whatsapp – keep in touch with those people closest and most important to you.
• Create a calm box, a little like the Christmas Eve boxes that so many of us use, put your favourite snacks, pyjamas, movie inside and settle down together for a soothing evening.
Remember, we are collecting photos of you doing wonderful things during lockdown so send your photos into school so we can share them as a whole community.
Look after yourselves, be kind to yourselves and have a wonderful week.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x