Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Monday 28th September

Date: 27th Sep 2020 @ 4:55pm

Monday 28th September 2020

Hello to my fantastic flock of Goldfinches. I hope you had a super weekend and had some fun in your homes and gardens.

I have been so impressed to hear about all of your hard work with your home learning. Let’s really go for it again this week and be proud of our achievements.

If you want to show me any of the work you have done, you can e-mail or add it to the discussion pages or you will be able to bring it to school when we come back next week where it will be rested for a few days first.


Fractions- See the Power point attached. Today we are recapping tenths.



Hi Goldfinches!

I hope you are all keeping well. I have missed seeing you all in school and I’ve missed teaching you on a Monday.

I know we had just started our new RE topic this year but you have shown me already how much you know about baptism and the holy spirit.

I have a little RE task that I would like you to complete at home for me - I would like you to create a piece of artwork inspired by what we know about the holy spirit. Remember, the holy spirit could be a dove (holding an olive branch), fire (think about the burning bush and tongues of fire), wind or water. Use one or more of these symbols/elements to design and make a piece of artwork. You could draw and colour a picture, paint a picture, use a computer programme or use different materials to create a collage or 3D model. Be as creative as you like and I would love to see your finished pieces when you return to school.

Hope to see you all soon

Love from Mrs Whittingham



Have a go at reading the extract from Danny the Champion of the World (attached) – read it in your head first and then out loud using the punctuation to help you. Can you do the dictionary task to go with it?

Our discussion today is about reading.. have a look.



Relax with this Mindfulness video which is all about the gratitude tree today.




Words from the Y3/4 Statutory Word list (1st Column):

accident  (word family words:  accidental, accidentally)


  Times Tables

Remind yourself of the 3x table and write the multiples out (on paper or even using chalk on your driveway). Now think about the 6x table. What can you do to the 3x table to help you with the 3x table? Do you notice anything?

TTRockstars   https://ttrockstars.com/   Where can you get to on the leader board today?



Here is a lovely worship about Thankfulness from the B- Tales. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8C7SFcjVjs&feature=youtu.be


 Story time

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njoiXEV_FkM&t=3s sit back and enjoy ‘The Watcher’ which is all about the primatologist Jane Goodall.

Have a wonderful day Goldfinches.

Mrs Evans smiley

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