Monday 29th June - Robins
Date: 28th Jun 2020 @ 9:53pm
Happy Monday everyone J
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and feel ready and refreshed for the week ahead. Why not join our Class Discussion this morning and tell me what you have been up to over the weekend?
This morning Mrs Esling has read a story for you:
This week is going to be a little bit different. Instead of our normal Home Learning Timetable tasks, we are going to embark on a whole school project entitled ‘Save Our Seas’. Each day, at the bottom of our blog, you will find a document called 'SAVE OUR SEAS - Home Learning Ideas', as well as various tasks and activities to complete based on our whole school theme. I will continue to set our maths and English lessons on Oak National Academy, however I am happy for you to focus solely on our big project this week! We want to make lots of people aware of the problems surrounding our seas and so we are asking you to share any work you do with us on Twitter. We would also love to revamp our ‘Sharing Window’ in school to fit the ‘Save Our Seas’ theme so if you do any work at home that you are happy to share, please drop it off in the foyer area of school.
A new week, also means a new weekly challenge booklet for you all! We are now up to number 5! This week we have a pyramid puzzle, a maths challenge and an English task. Enjoy! You can upload your answers onto our Class Discussion when you are finished and I will check them for you!
This week there are also some great new lessons on the Oak National Academy website. This morning we have a reading comprehension in English and our first time lesson in maths.
‘Save our Seas’ work:
I have attached a document to our blogs this morning called 'SAVE OUR SEAS - Home Learning Ideas', which I will upload every day. It contains a huge list of ideas for programmes to watch, websites to use and activities to choose from, all based around our ‘Save Our Seas’ theme.
Each day there will also be an ocean themed story or link for you to watch. Today, find out about the problems in our seas and oceans with Sir David Attenborough:
I have attached lots of additional PowerPoints and reading material for you this morning, which you may find useful when completing various pieces of work throughout the week. I have also attached a fun under the sea ‘Code Cracker’ for you to have a go at. Let me know how you get on today using our Class Discussion J
Have a great day Robins! Lots of love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
This week we are celebrating our wonderful oceans.
The UK is surrounded by the sea, and our waters provide the habitat for over 44,000 different species of sea life, yet often our wonderful beaches are covered in litter.
Point out that scenes like these show us that all is not well in our oceans. Marine scientists have discovered that many plastics that find their way into the world’s oceans are toxic. This means that these plastics can damage the animals and even kill them. Another problem is that wildlife such as seabirds can get entangled in bits of plastic or even become stuck in plastic bottles.
Fortunately, scientists, marine conservation societies and the UK government agree that we need to do more to protect our seas and oceans, particularly where the use of plastic is concerned. They suggest that we can all take some action – even if it is something as simple as taking home our rubbish after a day at the beach. We all need to do the following:
- Invest in a reusable water bottle rather than relying on single-use ones.
- Take a bag with you when you go to the shops, rather than paying for single-use plastic ones.
- Look for alternatives to plastic containers
Time for reflection
Many world faiths believe that we all have a responsibility to look after the world in which we live.
Christians believe that God made the world and wants us all to care for it: this is known as stewardship.
The Bible says, ‘The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it . . . for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.’ Christians believe that this means that we have no right to abuse God’s creation. Instead, we should act responsibly, realizing that we are privileged to have such a wonderful place in which to live.
Dear God,
Thank you for the beautiful world in which we live.
Thank you for the amazing variety of animals and plants.
Thank you for the sea and the beaches.
Please help us to think carefully about our responsibility in the world.
Please help us to care for the environment.
Please help us to think before we act.