Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Owls Home Learning Blog Monday 1st February

Date: 30th Jan 2021 @ 4:23pm

Monday 1st February  

Good morning Owls class and welcome back to another week of home learning. I hope you had a lovely weekend. Mrs. Campion, Mrs. Hoskins and I are so proud of how hard you are all working at home and in school so keep it up.  

Today I have a phonics task, a handwriting task and a ‘No Outsiders’ task for you.

There is also a link for today’s Worship and a fitness challenge for you to try.

This week is a special week called ‘Wellbeing Week’, normally in school we would be having special shared Worships together and completing lots of fun activities like Yoga lessons in school. Because we cannot all be together at the moment, it has to be a little bit different. We have prepared a Wellbeing plan for you, you’ll be able to download it from Tapestry and the class blog. Please have a look and try out some of the suggested activities throughout the week and show us your efforts on Tapestry. We can’t wait to see them!

As always, please post an observation linked to today’s activities to show me how you have got on with your learning today. Any questions please ask and I will try my very best to answer and help you.

Read, Write, Inc.

Just like you did last week, I would like you to follow the link to the main RWI channel to access your phonics videos for today. Please note that because there are no lessons saved on the site over the weekend, the site will not be active and new lessons will not be uploaded until after 9:30am.

Set 1 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, word time and spelling.   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

The powerpoint lesson is available to download below or in video format if you would prefer .

Set 3 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, spelling, and longer words https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

No Outsiders

You did so well with your No Outsiders task last week and I know you’ll do a super job this week too!

In today’s lesson you will be celebrating your unique, special selves. There is only one of you in the whole wide world and that is what makes you special. I am going to read the story ‘Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly’. After reading the story, I would like you to draw a picture of yourself with lots of the things that you love and make you unique so please have some paper and some colours ready.

You will find the powerpoint version attached below, or please click to watch the video above.


Today we are going to continue with our Handwriting work. I would like you to write 3 new letters. Today we are learning about a different letter family called the ‘down letters’ family. The letters we will learn and practise today are l, t and b.  

It is really important when writing that we hold our pencil correctly so please have a look at the picture of me holding my pencil. In our Zoom call today I would like you to bring a pencil along so we can practise holding our pencils.

Please see the lesson video or alternatively see the PowerPoint.


Mrs. Powell has recorded a special worship video to launch Wellbeing week. Please click the link to find the video:  https://youtu.be/oPSLE27lh-0





Fitness Challenge:

For today’s fitness challenge I would like you to have a go at ‘Jack Jack’s Super Shapes’ challenge. 



As always, please post examples of your work and let me know how you are getting on using tapestry. Remember, if you experience technical issues with the tapestry app, please use the school spider blog if you have any difficulty accessing lesson materials. If you have any problems please send a message on tapestry or email the school office at admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Have fun!

Mrs. O’Marah

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