Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Robins 14th June 2021

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 3:51pm

Hi everyone

What a fabulous week of learning we have had after the half term holidays. Robins class have been using their Geography skills to locate human and physical features of our grounds using the 8 points of the compass. We have been exploring our new Christian Value of Courage and how we can use the lessons that Jesus gives us in the Bible in our own lives.

Next week, in Maths, we will continue our work with fractions. The children will be adding and subtracting parts of the whole and finding fractions of amounts.

In Writing, we will begin a new exciting book Zeraffa Giraffa by Diane Hoffmeyer. We will be learning about how organisational devices such as headings and sub headings can help to present information clearly. We will also be learning how to use alliteration and repeating phrases to persuade the reader.

Our Reading lessons will focus on reading comprehensions skills based around inference. The children will also explore themes within Iron Man and what we think the author's massage to the reader was. 

This week's spellings focus on the prexix 'sub' meaning below or under.

subzero, subsoil, subdivide, subway, submarine, subtitle, subheading, submerge.

Our Science learning is based around 'Animals and Humans'. This week, we will learning about the type and amount of nutritian that humans need and what is meant by a balanced diet. 

Our RE lessons are based upon how Hindu families celebrate and worship God. 

I am really proud of the children's attitudes to learning and their kindness to each other. 

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Brennan


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