Robins 2nd December 2021
Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 8:38am
Hi Everyone
We are sending lots of love to everyone who is at home, we miss you and can't wait to welcome you back into Robins class.
We have had an unusual week but have made the most of it and enjoyed lots of fantastic outdoor PE lessons.
Next week we will be concentrating on the use of conjunctions in English to join two simple sentences together. We will use this skill to write a character description of Tom and to write a conversation between Tom and his Mum from our beautiful story Winter's Child.
In Maths we are continuing with our column addition of 3 digit numbers adding tens, we will explore how to exchange when the tens digit totals more than 9. We will also use a number line to help our understanding of what happens as we cross the hundreds boundary. The website mathsframe has some great times tables practice games on for the children to play on at home to increase their rapid recall of multiplication facts.
In RE, we will explore why Christians support charity work of children around the world and the impact of their actions of others. We will link this to our mission statement "Christ is the Light that guides us."
In Science we will explore how we see things by light travelling in straight lines and reflecting off surfaces into our eyes as well as investigating how shadows are made.
We will hopefully continue with our ukuele lessons as well as enjoying Cricket and PE with Mr Ault. Spare socks are also useful in book bags as sometimes trainers can get wet.
Our spelling focus for everyone this week is homophones. A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word however is spelt differently and has a different meaning.
week, weak, no, know, write, right, hear, here, there, their, they're.
We will encourage the children to use expression when reading out loud, especially when reading a conversation between characters, paying particular attention to the adverbs used by the author to explain how the character is talking. We will continue to use our inference skills to explore characters actions and motives. Thank you for your continued support with home reading.
Please ensure your child has a healthy snack at playtime as we do not receive free fruit in KS2.
Please come and ask me if you have any questions or queries. Look after each other.
Many thanks
Mrs Rice and Mrs Brennan.