Robins Blog Wk Beg 18.10.21
Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 12:32pm
Hi Everyone
Robins have had another wonderful week of learning together. I have been so impressed with the friendship they have shown to each other. The children have written short stories based on our book Seal Surfer by Michael Foremen and have used prespositions of time and place well.
Next week, we will be writing letters in role as the characters from the story using new ways to begin each paragraph. The children will be using their mastery keys of noun phrases, prepsotions and speech punctuation to ensure that their writing is fantastic. In Maths, we will be exploring place value problem solving and puzzles as we apply our knowledge and understanding to new contexts. The children are getting speedier and speedier at completing their times tables grids each week, it is lovely to watch their confidence growing with this. Times Tables Rock Stars is all set up for the children to play on at home. Please encourage your children to practise their 2, 5 and 10 times tables regularly at home. We are working on giving speedy answers within five seconds!
My spelling group this week will look at the suffix ly. Our new words to lean are:
humbly, gently, simply, horribly, carefully, finally, quietly and completely.
Mrs Brennan's spelling group are exploring the suffixes er and est. Their new words to learn are:
nicer, nicest, happier, happiest, wilder, wildest
We will meet our virtual Stone Age visitor again as we learn about the clothes, tools and food that he has. The children will place key events in time along a time line using their skill of chronology. In Science, we will explore thefunction of the human skeleton and learn the names of important bones. We are also looking forward to our next German lesson where we will continue to practise greeting each other and saying please/thankyou. In RE, the children will explore Bible stories that show our understanding of God. We will discuss how God is presented in the story and reflect on what God means to us personally.
I am really excited to let you know that after the half term holidays, Robins class will have another PE lesson on a Thursday afternoon. They will be taught outside by a cricket coach. Please send your child in to school wearing their PE kits next half term on a Monday and a Thursday. The children will need tracksuit bottoms and a school PE hoodie as it will be cold. Please ensure they also have a waterproof coat with them.
As always, please come and speak to me if you have any worries or questions. Thank you for your continued support.
Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Brennan.