Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Robins WB 28.11.22

Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 5:02pm

In Writing this week we have been writing letters from Tom to his Dad in Winter's Child by Angela McAllister. We have also been learning about similes and using more conjunctions and adverbs of time in our writing. In our reading lessons based on the book Ice Palace by Robert Swindells, we have been focusing on using the text to find evidence to answer comprehension questions. Please remember to read with your child for 10 - 15mins daily and record in diary if possible. Also take a look at their reading target which is on a sticker in their diary. 

On Monday we are looking forward to making our Christingles and celebrating together in the church in the afternoon. 

Our spellings next week will focus on words ending in -ture. We will continue to focus on 8 spellings each week. Well done to everyone who used the new spelling format in diaries and wrote out each word once in their beautiful, joined up handwriting. 

Spelling Quiz on Friday 2nd December - adventure, mixture, future, picture, creature, capture, furniture and nature.

Remember to make learning spellings fun. Maybe write out words in coloured pen, underline the key sounds, draw around the word with images, draw around the shape of the word, write on pavement in chalk, trace words in sand etc. This week in class we have been doing spelling doodles. 

Here is an online spelling game that your child will enjoy to revise Year 2 spellings and they can also have a go at some of the Year 3 spellings!


The children will have times tables homework based on their individual targets. Please return by Wednesday 30th November. The children did really well with their first times tables quiz. They will do x2 again tomorrow in order and then we will have 2 weeks where the x2 will be out of order before we look at the related division facts. 


Continue to use this game to revise and learn times tables. 

In class the children have also been using this multiples game to help learn their time tables. 


The children have really enjoyed using this train game to revise their addition and subtraction skills. It is lovely to see them challenge themselves as they move through the levels. Continue to just focus on the addition and subtraction carraiges.  


Next week in Maths, we will continue to focus on our arithmetic skills in the mornings. We start our first activity at 8.45 so if you could have your child in school for as close to this time as possible it allows them time to complete their morning arithmetic activity before we begin our Writing lesson at 9 sharp. Thanks for your support with this. We will also be working on adding and subtracting using more formal methods. 

Remember our PE days will remain as Monday and Wednesday for this term. 

In Computing we will continue to use the Keynote app to prepare presentations on the Stone Age and we will use Google to research facts on our chosen country for the World Cup. 

Our DT work for this term will focus on the Sustainability of Food. Next week we will continue to explore how it is best to use local ingredients that are in season when cooking. 

In RE we have begun our new Christianity topic on the Creation story and how Christians take care of the world. We will look some more at the Fairtrade logo. Have you got this logo on any products at home? 

In ART we will be using a variety of skills to create some textured cave paintings using mixed media. We will be using paint and sponges to add prints to our cave paintings. 

The children will continue to have Ukulele lessons on a Thursday afternoon 

Please feel free to get in touch if there is anything we can help you with,

Mrs Whittingham, Mrs O'Marah & Mrs Taylor

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