Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Robins week beg. 13th March

Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 5:34pm

Robins had a lovely visit to church on Monday to learn about Lent. Vicar Andrew led the worship and told the children all about how Jesus spent time in the desert to reflect and talk to God. The children were encouraged to think about what they could do to help others during Lent. They also enjoyed an amazing Science Workshop this morning to launch National Science week, which will take place next week. We will be doing lots of exciting activites next week to mark this special occasion. I think some of the children have also noticed that we were delivered 'tests' to our class this week. I have spoken to the children that they have nothing to worry about and that next week we will do some of these in the morning. Also we do these activities so that I can check what I need to teach them next term to ensure they are achieving the best that they can in English and Maths. I will also be able to let you know at Parents Evening how your child gets on with them and how they are performing overall in Year 3. Please reassure your child that they must not worry and that these 'tests' are more about helping me!  

Please remember to read with your child for 10 - 15 mins daily and record in diary if possible. Also take a look at their reading target which is on a sticker in their diary, some children may have the same target for a few weeks to work on. 

We will continue to revise some of the spelling rules that we have already covered in Year 3 so far this year. Spellings for next week will focus on the suffix - ly  suddenly, carefully, finally, gently, simply, merrily, humbly, horribly

Remember to have a go at this spelling game to revise spellings. 


This week we have been looking at learning our 4 and 8 times tables so it would be useful to play Hit the Button focusing on these times tables facts. We have also been learning the related division facts e.g. 24 divided by 8 = 3


Here is a good website to play some Maths games that I'm sure the children will enjoy. 


The children should have a x4 sheet for homework this week. If they find this too difficult please stick with learning x3. Use the online games suggested above, ask them to write out the multiples and to tell you some key facts. 

PE days for this half term will remain as Monday and Friday

RE - we are exploring different religions and focusing in particular on places of worship. 

HOME- Our new whole school topic 

We have completed our work on the Stone Age by comparing and contrasting homes from the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. This has led nicely into the launch of our Home topic. The children have been drawing their home(s) and discussing who keeps them safe. 

Please feel free to get in touch if there is anything we can help you with,

Mrs Whittingham, Miss Wilkinson (Friday) & Mrs Taylor

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