Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Robins week beg. 20th March

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 5:36pm

Robins have worked so hard to complete all their mid-year assessments this week. They have enjoyed the longer breaks and fun activities that we have done in the afternoons to make up for our busy mornings! I will be able to share their results and progress with you at Parents Evening next week.

We have also completed lots of extra Science lessons to mark British Science Week. They have discussed the concept of connections, made some excellent home structures using spaghetti and marshmallows, researched the scientist Thomas Edison and made food chains that could be found on a farm. 

The children from Year 4 visited our classroom this week to present their posters and work that they have learnt about volcanoes. An excellent oracy experience for all involved. We will present our findings from our RE topic - different places of worships - to Year 4 after the Easter break when we have found out some more information. 

Please remember to read with your child for 10 - 15 mins daily and record in diary if possible. Also take a look at their reading target which is on a sticker in their diary, some children may have the same target for a few weeks to work on. 

We will continue to revise some of the spelling rules that we have already covered in Year 3 so far this year. Spellings for next week will focus on words ending in -ture  adventure, mixture, future, picture, creature, capture, furniture, nature

In class this week the children have been shown how to access the following games on their devices and I was delighted to hear today that so many of them have already had a go at home! They are such superstars! 




The children should have a x4 sheet for homework this week. If they find this too difficult please stick with learning x3. Use the online games suggested above, ask them to write out the multiples and to tell you some key facts. 

On Monday 20th March we will visit church for worship alongside other KS2 classes. 

I am sure you are all aware that Parents Evening takes place next Tuesday and Wednesday. I am looking forward to sharing your children's wornderful work and letting you know how they are getting on, 

Tuesday 28th March - Robins Forest Schools

Wednesday 29th March - KS2 Cake Sale after school

Thursday 30th March - School Disco

PE days for this half term will remain as Monday and Friday

RE - we are exploring different religions and focusing in particular on places of worship. 

HOME- Our new whole school topic 

We have completed our work on the Stone Age by comparing and contrasting homes from the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. This has led nicely into the launch of our Home topic. The children have been drawing their home(s) and discussing who keeps them safe. 

Please feel free to get in touch if there is anything we can help you with,

Mrs Whittingham, Miss Wilkinson (Friday) & Mrs Taylor

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