Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Robins week beg. 22nd May

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 3:50pm

Robins have now finished drafting their final piece of writing based on the book The Silence Seeker as part of our whole school topic Home. Next week we will edit the pieces and then we will share our final pieces with you. 

Please remember to read with your child for 10 - 15 mins daily and record in diary if possible. Also take a look at their reading target which is on a sticker in their diary, some children may have the same target for a few weeks to work on. 

Spellings for next week will revise the suffix 'ion' . Then after half term we will focus on the words from the year 3/4 statutory list which are displayed on our Robins Class page. I will choose 8 to learn each week.  

action, subtraction, injection, collection, attraction, correction, education, operation

Spelling quiz next week will be on Friday 26th May

Remember to encourage your child to have a go at the spelling and multiplication games suggested below. 




Use this website below to revise x2, x5, x10, x3, x4 and to focus on learning x8. The children have a x8 times tables sheet for homewowrk this week. 


PE days for this half term will be Monday, Tuesday and Friday. 

RE - we will be looking at Discipleship and exploring differnt Bible quotes and stories based on this concept. 

MONDAY 22nd May - whole school worship - Pentecost - in church

Music - we will be having Ukulele lessons until the May half term on Thursdays

Computing - we will be using the app Book Creator to create our information books on Superheroes. We will be adding sound buttons and speech bubbles.

DT - we will be exploring structures and making our own

Art - we will be working in pairs to create a painting of the Iron Man using a variety of media. We will also be learning about some famous artists - William Kentridge, Georges Seurat and Pable Picasso and creating our own pieces of work based on the individual style of these artists.

HOME- Our new whole school topic - we will be investigating the difference between refugees and migrants

Just a reminder about our class trip to the World Museum in Liverpool on Thursday 22nd June 

Please feel free to get in touch if there is anything we can help you with,

Mrs Whittingham, Miss Wilkinson (Friday) & Mrs Taylor

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