Skylarks 8.5.23
Date: 4th May 2023 @ 4:26pm
Hello everyone and welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog! ?
Next week (W.B. 08.05.23)
Reminder: Monday 8th May is a bank holiday. School is closed on this day and will reopen on Tuesday 9th May.
In our English lessons next week, we will explore a model text – an autobiography of Ruby Bridges. We will analyse the structure, vocabulary and features of the text which will help us to plan and write our own autobiography for Malala.
In shared reading we will continue to read our text ‘Exploring Space’. We will be focussing on ‘Drawing Inferences’ and language choice. We will look at how the author’s language choice contributes to the meaning.
In maths we will be focussing on finding the perimeter of different shapes, including rectilinear shapes and polygons. We will also consolidate our understanding of the four operations through daily 4-a-day activities.
In Science we will begin by making predictions about which animals will have the shortest and longest gestation periods, before using research to find out if our prediction were in fact correct.
In RE we will read a letter from Paul to the Church taken from 2 Corinthians. We will explore what the verses means and the advice Paul is giving to the people. We will then relate Paul’s advice to what we already know about God and forgiveness.
In History and Geography, we will continue with our whole school topic on ‘Home’. We will be looking at the statistics of where refuges travel to and discussing what the UK could be doing further to support displaced people.
In Art we will continue to explore sketching techniques further and look at how to draw bodies in proportion and realistic faces.
Our PE day for the Spring Term will be a Wednesday so your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.
In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.
If your child is finding the homework tricky, please do let Mr Beswick or myself know so that we can offer them support in school.
The children should complete page 39 of their maths homework book to be returned by Friday 12th May 2023. This homework is looking at converting between fractions and decimals.
Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:
Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 12th May will focus on words containing the ‘ee’ sound spelt ‘ei’:
receive, deceive, conceit, conceive, seize, protein, caffeine, neither
Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?
Miss Beattie x