Skylarks Home Learning 22.01.21
Date: 21st Jan 2021 @ 4:01pm
Friday 22nd January
Good morning Skylarks 😊
Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have enjoyed our home learning lessons this week. I have certainly enjoyed seeing all of the wonderful work you have been producing at home. Keep up the super work!
Please see below for today’s home learning tasks and remember to use our class discussion to ask any questions and share you work.
Our zoom session will take place at 8.40am this morning as usual.
Comparing and Ordering fractions: For your maths lesson today, please see the PowerPoint attached. Just click on the little speaker icon on the PowerPoint page to listen. Today we will be comparing and ordering fractions.
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the maths lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
Times Tables
This week can you practice your x7 tables. Can you say it forwards and backwards? Can you write out the multiples of this number? Do you know the division facts? Why not use TTRS or hit the button to help you:
Hansel and Gretel: Again, please see the PowerPoint attached. Like the maths, I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. Today, we will continue to look at the book ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. We will be writing our own noun phrases based on the story so far.
Here is the link to the expanded noun phrases video referred to in today’s lesson:
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the writing lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
It would also be super if you could spend 10-15 minutes each day reading your school book that you have taken home or another book you have been enjoying at home.
Remember to continue writing in your reading diary and get an adult to sign in, then we can collect our raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Why not tell me what book you are reading over on our discussion?
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the suffix -ably. You could make your own spelling doodle and add to it throughout the week. I will add a new word each day and then on Friday we can have a little quiz.
Today’s word: considerably
Previous words: adorably, comfortably, suitably, understandably
We will be having a mini quiz on these five spelling words at the end of our English lesson today.
Story: You will find our story embedded into our Writing PowerPoint.
Here is the next science lesson, continuing on from last week. Today we will be looking at how we can separate mixtures into pure substances 😊
"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." (Genesis 2:15) 
Please click on the link for Mrs Powell’s Friday worship (please don’t worry about the incorrect date):
Our new Christian Value is RESPECT. Look at the 17 Global Goals document that is attached to this blog and think about how we can respect our own homes, gardens, parks and local area.
Talk to your family about the Global Goals and think about what small actions you could take at home. Make a pledge on the blank puzzle piece attached to today’s Blog about what you and your family could do.
For example: Mrs Evans’ family are no longer using plastic food bags and cling film. They are on a mission to make sure they turn off the lights in the rooms they are not using and they go for walks and runs locally so they don’t use the car as much.
Have a lovely weekend Skylarks 😊
Love from Miss Beattie x